Chapter 25

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You let harry in after he knocked on the door and you smiled "Hey welcome come on in my dad left not wanting to be around you." You say and Harry chuckles

"Oh man poor professor snape I made him leave his own house." Harry says and you laugh as you grab his hand and pull him upstairs but he stops at a picture frame on the wall of your dad holding a pregnant woman in his arms

"Oh that's my mother pregnant with me it's technically the only photo we'll have with us three." You say and Harry smiles at you

"Wow you do look a lot like your mother." He says and you smile

"Oh thanks now don't touch anything that's not in my room or else my dad will freak out." You say and Harry nods as you then pull him into your room and he almost lost his balance

"Wow your room is amazing." He says and you smile

"Thanks my dad did it we'll we did it together it was fun doing something with him." You say and Harry closes the door behind him as you sit on your bed and Harry smiles and sits in front of you

"Honestly I'm glad you said I can come over I needed to already get away from my aunt and uncle already a few weeks there and I needed to leave." Harry says and you laugh

"Huh are they really that bad? Let me come over trust me they'll never mess with you again." You say and Harry thinks

"Actually why don't you come over? I think it's time my aunt and uncle meet my girlfriend." Harry says and you laugh

"I'm not the kinda of girl you want to bring home more like keep me hidden until the wedding." You joke and Harry laughs as he picks you up and holds you in his arms

"I bet if my parents were alive they would love you." Harry says and you shrug

"Who knows." You say and Harry kisses your forehead

*I wish my parents could meet y/n that's really all I want for them to meet this amazing awesome girl that I'm completely and utterly in love with*

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