Chapter 83

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"Hey babe today I'm gonna go see teddy you wanna come?" Harry asks and you finally agreed to go after his months of asking

"I think I'm feeling good enough to go." You say and Harry smiles

"Great and we can leave whenever you feel like you need to go don't worry." Harry says and you nod *I know it's gonna be hard for y/n I understand how hard it is to lose people close to you, so I'm really trying to help y/n the best I can*

|Hours later|

"Hey y/n when you think we gonna have kids." Harry says as he was holding teddy and you look up at him and sigh

"How about when were 25." You say and Harry nods

"Ok that sounds good to me." Harry says as he smiles at you and you smile back and Harry let's you hold teddy *I can't wait for me and y/n to have kids it's gonna be so amazing, I truly can't wait to marry her and have a family* Harry thinks as he had his arm around you


When you went back home Harry says he'll make you something to eat and asks what you want "Anything is fine." You say as you were holding a picture of your parents, as you were laying on the couch as Harry was in the kitchen

He peeks his head out and walks over and gives you a kiss "You wanna make it with me maybe?" Harry asks and you nod

"Ok." You say as you set the picture down and walk into the kitchen with Harry

And as you both were cooking Harry throws flour at your face and you gasp and throw it back at him and by the end you both were covered in flour

"Ok let's just finish cooking and then wash the flour off. And hey if you want we even shower together." Harry says and you nod

"Ok why not." You say still laughing slightly

*I love her so much I can't wait to see our life together*

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