Chapter 3

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Draco was loudly talking about your birthday coming up and you wanted to hit him once you realized Harry heard you didn't want him to know because you hate your birthday because it was the day your mom died  

Your mom died giving birth to you so it just reminds you of how she's not here with you "Draco shut it!" You say pushing him into mud which shocked him

"Wow aggressive today aren't we." He says and you glare at him and walk off

But then you heard footsteps and were ready to slap that stupid blond haired rat

"Don't follow me you spoiled brat." You yell at what you thought was Draco and then you realize it wasn't him it was Harry

"Huh spoiled brat? Na sorry I'm not Draco. But now I know your birthday you never told me why?" He asks and you sigh

"My mom died giving birth to me the older I got I resented my birthday." You say and Harry nods

"I see I didn't know that I just thought you weren't allowed to see your mom." Harry says and you shake your head

"No she died my dad and mom were gonna get married after I was born but then she died." You say and Harry felt bad for your dad no wonder he's so grumpy and mean

"No wonder he's grumpy and mean." Harry says and you nod

"Yeah my father poured his life and soul into raising me so I hate my birthday and I hate celebrating it now because it reminds me that my mother is gone." You say and Harry put his hands on your arms but then he quickly stopped as someone walks towards you both you hate having a secret relationship with Harry but your dad would kill him if your dating someone and your not 18

*I wanna go public with my relationship with y/n but if Voldemort finds out I have a girlfriend he'll definitely use her against me and I can't have that what if he tries to kill her to get to me no I have to protect her*

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