Chapter 49

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You were laying in your bed as memories of you and Harry were playing over and over in your head and you didn't want them there!

|Flash back|

"Oh harry do you need something?" You ask as he walked up to you all nervous

"No bye!" He says running off and you were confused by that what was going? Like is he ok? You and Harry hangout but why has he been so nervous lately?

"Damm what's wrong with potter he's more of an idiot then normal." Draco says and you hit him with your book which makes him yell which made people in the library shush him so he shushed them all back

|flash back over|

You started to cry even more as all of Harrys attempts to ask you out were playing in your head *I hate life so much! I feel so stupid right now like 3 years of my life wasted all for Harry to cheat on me why I thought he loved me? Maybe my dad was right relationships are for people who are 18 or older other wise they are just so complicated* you think as Pansy asks if you wanna go do something and you nod and walk out with her

"Honestly you don't need a guy you have amazing friends." Pansy says and you nod

"Yeah your right."

|The next day|

You were in potions and you were writing down ingredients and stuff when your dad slams his hands on a desk and you look over to see Harry sit up after he fell asleep in class

"Falling asleep in class Potter? What expect to learn with your eyes closed? Well detention and 100 points from Gryffindor." Your dad says and you just turn back and finish

"Wait 100 for falling asleep isn't that unfair? Like all I did was accidentally fall asleep." Harry says and your dad looks at him

"Want me to take another hundred from your house Potter?" Your dad says and Harry shakes his head

"No I understand." He says as you then get up and hand in your work to your dad

"Here dad I finished." You say and he nods and takes it and you sit back down as Draco nudges you

"Help me." Draco whispers and you nod and move your seat closer to his and help him quietly as Harry was looking over jealous of how close Draco was to you

*Honestly this isn't y/ns fault at all, Cho knew I was with y/n and kissed me! And I understand if y/n never talks to me again because from how she saw it I was kissing another girl, so from her eyes it looked like I was cheating when I didn't. I'm not angry at y/n at all she's acting how she saw it I'm angry at Cho for kissing me when I was clearly taken! And y/n has every right to act as if I did cheat on her because to her and from how she saw it I did cheat on her, so she doesn't need to hear me out she can ignore me but it doesn't mean I won't stop trying, I know this is hard on her and I don't wanna hurt her anymore then what Cho started by kissing me and now I have to fix this*

|Harrys pov|

I was walking to my next class with Ron when Cho stops me and I roll my eyes and try and get by her but she wouldn't let me "Cho what do you want? You ruin my relationship I tell you to stay away from me and your not respecting that what else do you need to say?" I ask annoyed and Cho sighs

"I'm sorry Harry." She says and I shake my head

"No I don't forgive you I was clearly taken and you kissed me and because life hates me so much the love of my life had to see it misunderstand everything and now isn't talking to me because of you!" I say barely even taking a break to breathe

Cho doesn't say anything and I see y/n and she saw me talking to Cho but didn't hear what we were talking about

She notices me looking and then turns back to her friends who knows what she thought was going on here

*So many people after me and y/n broke up we're trying to villainize y/n as if she was the problem and that's the reason we broke up, honestly I told people what happened but they still say y/n is the problem and she's a terrible person, honestly what is wrong with people? Cho kissed me when I was in a relationship why is y/n getting more hate then the person who ruined my relationship*

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