Chapter 41

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"So my dad knows we're dating huh?" You say as you were in Harrys dorm as he was cuddling you

"Maybe we shouldn't hide like I don't even know if Voldemort knows were dating if he saw us, let's stop being a secret." Harry says and you nod

"Sure my dad already knows so why not." You say and Harry kisses you and you kiss him back

*Man I can finally express my love for her in public I've wait forever for this*

|The next day|

You were in the great hall with Draco as he was complaining about something you zoned out but then suddenly someone sat beside you and you glare at them

"Bitch—" you start but realize it's Harry "Oh hey Harry don't do that I thought you were this guy who is trying to get with me." You say and Harry showed how he was obviously jealous which made everyone in war shot stop and look over "Jelly?" You say and Harry nods

"So what." Harry says as everyone was shocked

"Excuse me why would Potter be jealous." Pansy says annoyed he was here

"Why can't I be? Some guy is flirting with my girlfriend not cool." Harry says and everyone looked even more shocked

"Yeah, yeah! Ok everyone they've been dating and keeping it a secret I got over it you all can too!" Draco basically screams it and now people were looking over as Harry was about to kiss you and then he stops and sighs

"No need to scream it malfoy." Harry says and Draco rolls his eyes

"Whatever I don't give a fuck potter." Draco says and you lightly hit him and he then tries to act as angry as he could

"Ok cool." You say as Draco was yelling at you as you were laughing

*I am so happy I can be public with my relationship finally*

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