"Someone looks happy." She heard a melodic voice behind her as she opened her eyes.

"Jungkook?" She quickly turned herself around and there he was in all black, a mask and a cap covering his face much like Jimin's. "What are you doing here?" She was surprised to see the maknae

"Jimin hyung invited me to come, he knows I'm a sucker for convenience store meals." He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Plus I have a long lunch break and the studio isn't too far from here."

"Oh! Well take a seat, Jimin is just at the store." She points behind her to the convenience store where he looks.

"Oh, I think I'll help hyung out! It would be hard to carry everything here on his own. I'll be back okay?" He quickly kissed the top of her head and pat her shoulder lightly before heading off.

She flushed realizing what he had just done so casually but shrugged it off since it was just a casual gesture. Jungkook however flushed too, realizing what he had just done and started cursing to himself on the way to the store.

"Shit—" he huffed and ruffled his hair.

"Oh hey Kook, what's got you so flustered." Jimin smirked at his maknae while he waited for the noodles to cook before cracking an egg in; sausages and fish cakes were in the microwave.

"Nothing. Do you need help carrying anything?" Jungkook quickly changed topics before noticing a bag of drinks on the table. "I'll take this to the table and be back to help you carry the noodles." He hurriedly grabbed it and made his way back to the bench where Hana sat.

"Hey wait— Aishh" Jimin called but it was too late.

Jungkook returned to Hana and he started taking the drinks out.

"Which ones yours Hana?" He pulled out two Banana milks and one milkis.

"The banana milk." She shyly said and pointed to it. Jungkook was grinning widely.

"I love banana milk too!" He took the other, knowing full well Jimin got it for him.

"Oh really? Oh thank goodness I thought it was going to be childish." She flushed and looked away.

"Never." He grinned, biting on the straw of the drink. He loved her reactions, she was just too cute, one moment she would be bubbly like a jelly bean, the next she could be shy and soft spoken but he loved when she was just Hana, her sweet smile and her kind and assuring voice when she spoke.

"Alright, looks like hyung is done. I'm going to help him carry the food here." He got up and left again, Hana waited patiently as she started smelling something delicious make its way from behind her.

"Tadaaa!!!" Jimin sang as he placed the piping hot noodles in front of her.

"Oh! Ommo I completely forgot you could have Ramyun at convenience stores" she beamed as she loved these noodles, unfortunately Sena only allowed her once in a while.

"And that's not all!" Jimin placed a plate of assorted fish cakes and sausages.

"This is better than eating at a fancy cafe." She chuckled beaming at the food, having processed food was honestly a treat for her. It was a rare thing she could eat but she absolutely loved it.

Jimin chuckled at her numerous expressions before handing her a pair of chopsticks and sat down in front of her. "You like it?" He asked anyway even if he already knew the answer.

"Jimin you're the best." She looked up at him and gave him a big thumbs up. He laughed and gave her a thumbs up too.

"Always glad to make you happy Hana." He spoke before digging in, Jungkook had joined them then, plopping his noodles down and sat next to Hana.

"You like this kinda food too Noona?" He asked.

"Hell yeah I do." She spoke with her mouth a little full but covered it with her hand as all three of them bursted out laughing.

They ate their meals with gusto and spoke about silly things. Jimin was just an angel, his smile would be majorly contagious and when he would tease Hana, he'd quickly make shy finger hearts at her peaking from the table as he hid himself. Jimin was adorable and did the sweetest and most thoughtful things.

"Thanks hyung for letting me join you two for lunch." The maknae smiled before pulling up his mask.

"See you soon Kookie!" Hana called and waved to him as he waved back.

"Bye Noona!"

"So, what's with you and Kook huh?" Jimin teased, chin resting in the palms of his hands as he leaned forward.

"N-nothings happening between us." Hana stuttered looking elsewhere but Jimin's eyes. He mischievously smirked.

"Are you sure? It seems like he's really taken a liking to you."

"I-I don't think it would be a good idea for him to like me.." she softly said while looking down. Jimin immediately retracted his teasing and replaced his smirk with a worried frown, taking her hand in his from across the table.

"Sorry Hana, I didn't mean to—" he spoke before she cut him off.

"No, it's okay Jimin." She smiled sadly, finally meeting his eyes. She always knew her reality, and she also knew that this was only temporary.  The silence was uncomfortable for Jimin, he didn't want to make her sad.

"Uhm, I know it's a bit strange to request but, I feel like singing. Did you want me to record that song for you right now?" She broke the silence and genuinely smiled at him. "Plus my legs are feeling a little sore." She chuckled to herself.

"Oh, yes of course Hana." Jimin recovered and had his usual grin on his face. "I'll call the driver to meet us nearby, then we can head to the studio okay?" He got out from his seat and helped her up. Before he made the call he pulled her into a hug and cradled her to his chest. He felt sorry for bringing such sad thoughts into her head, he only wanted to fill it with happy ones.

"Thank you Jimin." She beamed up at him after they gently broke apart.

"Anything for you Hana." Jimin returned.

A/N: sorry !!! I keep updating this chapter because I'm an idiot and keep missing typos and errors when I proof read.

Out of Time | Bts x OC |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon