Chapter 2

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Wayne Manor, Damian’s Room

~ Jonathan

              Not only am I no longer fond of Christmas, but this year isn’t exactly something I want to celebrate as it is Damian’s final year in Metropolis W.H and he’s off to college next year. Which means I’ll be on my own for the next two years.
             This year hasn’t been kind to me. I’ve been reminding myself to get used to not being around Damian as much as possible because he will no longer be around next year. And when the time comes, I wouldn’t miss him as much because I am prepared. And, to do that, I’ve been turning down many invitations from him to hang out, missions, or simply do homework together.
              Usually, before this year, we would hang out a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean it. Practically every time our individual classes end, we’ll meet up or sit together if we’re attending the same class. If not in school, then outside the school where we’ll hang out at the mall, the park where we can lounge on the grass, GCPD rooftop, and many more places… doing random things.
               But since this year, I’ve been battling with myself to get used to not having him around, and I can’t really say that I’m doing a good job at it. It was easy to turn him down because he rarely minds, but it’s me who suffers in the end. I’ll be crying in my pillow because of what I’m doing, and the sad part is that... it is for the best. The year is almost over and it pains me to think of how we rarely hung out this year.
               But I’m still glad we’re able to talk like nothings changed because if we were just friends, I think we would have been strangers by now. And the thought of that happening to us just breaks me.
               Damian has applied to study at Gotham University. It is the top college in Gotham and they’re known for their futuristic environment and highly educated tutors. Apparently, he’s been wanting to study arts ever since drawing had become a hobby of his. Unfortunately for me, his drawings are pretty impressive.
               “Great,” I faked a smile, hoping it was convincing enough. “I’m so happy for you, D.”
               During the day he was applying to the college, I was sitting in front of him and witnessing the many emotions he was expressing as he was completing the entrance exam. He really wants to study there and I should cheer him on, but sadly, in my mind, I kept wishing they would not accept him.
              And of course, I rarely get my wishes. It makes me selfish to wanna keep him all to myself, but sometimes I just don’t care. Once he’s off to college, nothings going to be the same anymore, no matter how many words he uses to assure me. I just know it won’t. He will be busy with his studies and not have time for me, and he’ll find new friends as well. And if the universe hates me so much, he’ll find a new partner to take my place too.
              I swear if that happens; I don’t think I would want to see the light of day ever again.
              Being together for over six years and suddenly I’m replaced?
              Yeah, I’ll just never want to wake up again.
              He took the letter back and tossed it on the desk. He approached me and threw his arms around me. “I’m so happy!” He said with joy in his tone. “You’re the first person to know about this so don’t tell the others yet. I’ll surprise them tonight.”
              I didn’t hug him back because I knew I wasn’t happy... at least for myself. But deep down, I was extremely happy for him.
              He pulled away from the hug, and our eyes met. His smile fades when he realizes I’ve been silent for a good minute.
             “Tell me the truth,” he said, taking my hand and directing me to take a seat on the bed.
              We sat crossed-legged on the bed, facing each other. “Are you okay?”
              “The truth?” I said under my breath. “Then no, I’m not okay.”
              “What’s wrong?” He asked.
              I didn’t answer. Truly, I was lost for words. I’m afraid if I tell him exactly how I feel about him going to college, it would affect his future choices. And no matter how much I want that, I know I can’t do that to him.
               “It’s no big deal,” I said. “It’s my problem and I’ll get over it, eventually.”
               His fingers intertwined with mine as he held it tight and lightly kissed the top of my hand.
               His emerald eyes glisten like a gemstone as he looks at me.
               “You can tell me anything, you know that right?” He said. “Nevertheless, I shall not force you to speak. So, whenever you’re ready, I’ll lend you an ear... and maybe a shoulder.”
                I nodded, for I still am lost for words.
                “Come, since you’re here, might as well help around,” he said, standing on his feet without letting go of my hand. I got up, and we began walking out of his room.
               “You’re staying over tonight right?” He asks as we walk down the stairs.
               “I am,” I said. I figured I can’t turn down another invitation from him. After all, I turned down many during this year.
               “Good,” he sighs in relief.
               When we arrived downstairs, I realized that no one was around the living room, not even Titus. And the decorations were still all over the place. Damian directed us towards the dining room where everyone is.
               “Take a break with us, Jon,” Dick waved towards me. Only then I realized that they were taking a break from decorating the place. The manor is pretty big, so there are a lot of things to do before tonight. But of course, there should be break time to regain one’s strength. Alfred prepared homemade tacos for lunch and they sure look appetizing. He also made coke-float which Jason and Tim had been chugging down as if they were competing.
               Or are they?
               I don’t know.
               Damian released my hand and headed towards an empty seat and gestured towards me to sit next to him.
               “Hey guys,” I greeted them as I flew towards my seat. “So, how’s everything going on?”

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