What hell were Bakugou and Uraraka doing together? They usually never got along or talked before so why the sudden change?

Back in Bakugou's dorm the room was filled with chatter and laughter. Much to everyone's suprise the two got along quite well actually. During break they even hung out a few times. They had to get on par with each other since they were both Izuku's closest 'friends'.

"So. Now what we're really here for." Uraraka said into a serious tone as she stared into Katsuki's eyes.

"I want to blow her face up", Katsuki confessed through greeted teeth.

Katsuki hates her with burning passion. Who you ask? Oh simple. The little red haired first year who's been all over Izuku since day two of them coming back from break. She's being all touchy and close. The nerve she had to actually kiss him on the cheek today knowing full well Izuku was in a happy relationship with Katsuki. And SHIT to Katsuki will NOT take!
(If this was dekubaku I would've said one stick up his ass he wouldn't take heheh-)

He hated it, he hated it so bad he's broken almost a whole bag of pens throughout the two weeks it's been happening. But apparently he wasn't the only one silently raging about the disruption this first year was causing.

Uraraka was pissed off about her too. She would always cut Uraraka off when she was speaking to Izuku or speaking anytime in general whether it be the group or Izuku. Was she trying to replace her or something! Uh-uh- she was not letting that happen by some little first year slut- No way in hell!

So the two discussed their plans on getting rid of the first year. But not that way, just making sure she beats it and doesn't ever look their way again, and of course stay away from Izuku.

It was their goal and it was also the first year's goal as well. So now they had to snatch it before she does. Or else things would go south very fast. And Uraraka wouldn't be able to hold he leash on the pomeranian any longer.

The main goal: Izuku

The next morning Katsuki happily kissed Izuku before they left the dorms hand in hand, chatting happily with each other. Once they reached the classroom he grabbed Izuku before he could go to his desk and sat him on his lap. Izuku squeaked in suprise and blushed furiously.

"Your staying in my lap and for your sake you better not leave", he whispered huskily into the shorter's ear, making Izuku shiver and turn an even darker shade of red. Katsuki chuckled as he watched Izuku reaction, almost coming undone under him.

As predicted the bitch showed up, Kirumi Hiko. The first year that's been 2A's pain in the ass since she suddenly found interest in their Izuku.

Katsuki smirked in delight as he watched Ochaco come over as planned. They also decided to get help from others as well like Denki, Kirishima and Jiro. The others new nothing but still came and chatted with he group.

The few looked at each other with a knowing looks as they watched the red head make her way into the classroom like it was something she did usually. Which she did-!

"Midoriya-senpai!", she squeaked

"H-hi Hiko-chan!", Izuku greeted but squeaked when he felt Katsuki nibble at his neck. He giggled at the ticklish feeling completely forgetting the people infront of him, as they whispered things at each other prepping kisses every now and then. The affection was enough to make Uraraka's heart swell in pride.
(haha get it^)

Phase 1 complete. Now phase two kicking the bitch out. That was Uraraka's and Denki's job.

Seeing as Hiko-chan stood wordlessly with her hair covering he face, a dark shadow looming darkly over her face as she silently glared at the couple more specifically Katsuki. Uraraka nudged Denki's shoulder giving him the signal. They smirked knowingly at each other before they got into position.

It all happened before they could react.

"Oh no! Everyone take cover!" Uraraka screeched. Everyone knew all too well what that meant so they immediately dashed to take cover. But as they did only a few saw what happened, and that few was the inside team behind it all.

The moment everyone went to take cover it happened.

Denki 'sneezed' and let out his load.

The only problem was; the was only one person who didn't understand what was happening so her body didn't move. In the end it did move, straight to the floor as her body got electrocuted with volts of electricity. Luckily Denki didn't let out to much but just enough to keep her on the verge of consciousness. He'd gotten way better at his control throughout the break with the help of Izuku's notes. Infact the whole class did!

Uraraka smirked as she walked out of her hiding spot and to the body on the floor.

"Oh no she got caught!", Uraraka said as she 'frowned'
"Don't worry everyone Jiro and I will take her to Recovery Girl!" She 'smiled' as she tapped the girl.

The last thing Hiko probably remember was feeling pain and being tapped light and a face with the scariest grin across it looking down on her as brown orbes glaring wanringly down at her as she felt her body lift of the solid floor.

The knowing two smirked at each other before leaving the classroom with a floating body behind them.

Katsuki smirked as he looked down his chest to see Izuku slowly getting up from his chest since they took cover on the other side of the desks and ended up on the floor together. He grabbed the other's hip as Izuku ended straddling him.

"Eager now are we?" Izuku teased as he smirked looking below him at Katsuki.

"Down test me" Katsuki said as he grinded upwards onto Izuku, and hit exactly where he wanted to. Izuku covered his mouth to muffle the moan that almost escaped his mouth.

He scrambled off Katsuki as he's face was a beating red, and sat at his desk with his head down into his hands on the desk. Katsuki chuckled at his antics as he got behind him and whispered in his ear, making sure to lick his ear at the end.

"Your mines and nobody else's so if she gets handsy or comes close to you again I'm going to fuck you into oblivion~", he whispered seductively, making sure his lips brushed Izuku's ear each time he spoke.

His words completely drowning out all the noise in the background to Izuku. Izuku knew then and there.

He was fucked.


Grrr! I hope y'all are well!!! Thank you again SO MUCH for the reads.

Unedited- I'm meant to be studying ,so it's rushed kinda, but I wanted to publish a chapter for y'all real quick!!!
Anyways now you gotta wait for me to finish my exams heheeh~ be back in two weeks<3 thanks again for the support and votes!!!eek!!!




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