Our fairytail - Hide(too lazy to write his full name :p) x reader

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"Watch out!" Hide shouted at me.

I was too scared to move. I just stood there, not paying any attention to the ghoul. Hide ran over to me and pushed me away. I fell on the ground.

"That was too close (-name-)-San!" he said.

I mumbled a thank you and looked at the ghoul. The other investigators had run over to the ghoul and were fighting him now. 

Hide held out his hand and gestured for me to take it. I eagerly accepted it. Hide had saved me, again. This was the second time this week already. I had never payed much attention to the messenger, until he had joined the CCG investigators. Only then I saw how cute he really was.

At first it was just curiosity, but after that I caught myself thinking about him a lot more often. And now it was even keeping me from functioning when I fought a ghoul. If I wouldn't be able to get over this stupid crush of mine very soon, it could mean the end of me. But, of course, I had Hide to protect me.

Sometimes I even caught myself daydreaming about the ways he could save me. I'd see a ghoul and realize that I wasn't going to be able to defend myself from it. I would scream, a very cute scream, of course, and close my eyes. Hide would see all of this and run over to me to protect me. He'd get rid of the ghoul and then... he'd take me in his arms and kiss me! Just like something you'd see in fairytales.

"That'd be sooo romantic!" I sighed.

But no, that would never happen, not everyone lives in a fairytale. In reality, all that happened was this: I would stand there, daydreaming about Hide. The ghoul would try to attack me. I'd try to scream, but instead of a cute, girly scream, an ugly sound would escape my throat, as if I was a nightingale that had lost its voice and was desperately trying to get it back. Hide would push me away from the ghoul and I'd fall to the ground while other investigators would finish off the ghoul. Then Hide'd just ask me if I was okay and sigh.

'He must think I'm really stupid.' I thought. A girl who isn't able to defend herself from some very weak ghoul.

I walked away and took the train that would bring me back to the CCG building where I worked. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to fix my hair. 'I look awfull!' I hadn't showered for two days, okay, that may not sound as a very long period, but fighting ghould makes you sweat a lot.

Once again, I sighed. I walked to my office, where a pile of paperwork was waiting for me to fill it out. 'At least there's something that doesn't need as much attention as fighting ghouls' But the work turned out to be as exciting as watching someone eat candy in front of you while you have nothing.

It was ten P.M. when I finished the last report. My hand felt like it could fall of any moment, because of all the writing it had been doing for the past few hours. I stood up and collected my stuff before locking the door. 

I stepped outside of the building and inhaled the fresh air. I slowly started to walk toward my home until a familiar voice made me turn around.

"(-name-)-San! Wait for me!"

"Hide! How many times have I told you to drop the San! Just call me (-name-)!"

Hide nodded and increased his pace so he would reach me faster. Hide and I lived very close to each other, so we would walk home together whenever we could. I really liked it. It was so very romantic in my eyes. 'Almost like in a fairytale!' I thought.

We talked a little during our walk. 'Ah, those precious little moments together with Hide' We arrived at the point where Hide had to go left while I still had to follow the path that lead straight to my appartment.

"Well, see you tomorrow, Hide!"

"Yeah" Hide replied

Hide's Pov

I waved her goodbye and continued to walk until something jumped down from wall I was walking next to. I realized that the something had red pupils surrounded by black scleras. Purple veins almost burst from its face. A kagune shot out of the ghoul's back, between his shoulderblades.

'What am I going to do now? (-name-) is still very close to me, and if she comes too close she'll get herself killed! I can't do that.'

Your Pov

"Aaah!" someone shouted. 'What was that?' I thought to myself. It sounded like someone was delighted. Who could that be? It didn't sound like Hide, although it sounded like the person was only a few meters away from where Hide and I both went our own ways, which was literally ten seconds ago!

I decided to walk back and take a look at what was happening. Something just didn't feel right.

My suspicions were confirmed when I saw Hide, who was fighting a ghoul. Hide stood no chance against the monster! His left arm was all bloody, and the ghoul didn't look like the knife, made of quinque material that Hide always took along, had done much damage.

"Hide!" I yelled.

He turned his head to look at me.

"Watch out!" I warned him as the ghoul shot some electric bullets towards Hide's head. Hide froze in place, he knew he wasn't going to make it!

I ran to where Hide was standing and jumped in front of him. The bullets pierced through my body.

"(-name-)!" Hide said.

Third pov

Hide looked at the ghoul while his anger built up inside of him. All of the anger and frustration that had been kept hidden, it all came out now. The next moments went very fast. Hide had pulled out the knife again and attacked the ghoul. He plounged forward and killed the ghoul in his blind rage.

 When he was sure the ghoul was dead, he ran to (-name-) and held her in his arms. She opened her eyes at his touch. She tried to speak.

"H-hide, t-this mi...might not b-be the fairytale ending t-that I had expected, b-but as l... long as I die in y-y-your arms, it i...s a-alright!" 

She smiled at the boy and slowly closed her eyes.

"I'll never forget you, (-name-)"

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