Assassination gone wrong - Tsukiyama x Reader

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Yahallo! Yaaay, after years and years(more like a few weeks) of trying to create another Tsukiyma Shuu X Reader, I have finally come up with a story! It was really hard, because I think Tsukiyama is actually kind of scary. I promised that I was going to write another Tsukiyama oneshot, because the first one was more about the reader than Tsukiyama, and here it is. Enjoy!

"Remember, you have one month to assassinate your target"

"Tsukiyma Shuu eh, well, he sure does look hot. Is he a model or something?" I asked my boss.

"Yes, but you could have also read that in the dossier I just gave you!"

Oh yeah, the dossiers always mention everything I need to know about my targets. But I don't look at all of the information, it's so boring. Just the name, photo, and sometimes their occupation, but that's all I need. I'm a professional hitwoman after all.

"One more question, this guy is also a ghoul, am I right?"

The boss nodded yes and mumbled something about my dumbness before closing the door behind me. It was really strange, at first I hated the way he always made chills run down my spine, but I got quite used to it, and now I feel at ease when I'm around him.

I went home and took out the dossier to place it on the kitchentable. I took a shower and changed into some comfortable pants and my (f/c) sweater. I sat at the table and started reader a book. But the book was really boring and I soon lost interest. So I decided to take a look at my target's dossier, since he did seem rather odd.

The dossier told me some boring stuff, like his age, adress, family, and... that he was the owner of a famous ghoul restaurant! This was getting more interesting every second. So he was a very famous ghoul huh.

I contacted some "friends" and they gave me more information about the ghoul restaurant. I found out that you had to know someone who was a regular customer and that they had to introduce you to the owner of the restaurant, Tsukiyama Shuu.

This was getting easier and easier. I just had to ask one of those "friends" to bring me along and they would introduce me to my target. Then I could get closer to him and assassinate him.

I dialed the number of one of my "friends" who had helped me with one of my assassinations before. She was one of Tsukiyama Shuu's regular customers and agreed to bring me along with her.

She told me that the restaurant was going to open up at nine and that she would pick me up a quarter to nine. I agreed and quickly changed into a (f/c) dress, (f/v) gloves, and a pair of heels. I put my hair into bun and fixed my makeup.

I had just finished when my friend came to pick me up. We drove to the restaurant and entered. We walked to the main hall, but I bumped into a tall, handsome man with purple hair. There was no doubt about it, this was Tsukiyama Shuu, my target.

"Oh, excuse moi" he said.

Yup. Definitely him.

"Tsukiyama, this is (y/n), (y/n) this is Tsukiyama, the owner of the ghoul restaurant."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, mister Tsukiyama" I said.

"Come now" He said "No need to be so formal, you can drop the 'mister', ma fleur"

I blushed at his statement. WAIT, I'm an assassin, I shouldn't be blushing about my target's staments!

The whole restaurant event went by really fast. It was really spectacular, but I had mainly tried to focus on Tsukiyama, who was sitting next to me while hosting the show. He was a really nice man, insane, but nice. 

I hated to admit it, but I really enjoyed his company. Was I going to grow attached to my target? This was stupid. Of course not, I was just talking to him, and after that I was going to assassinate him.

The hours passed and finally the restaurant was empty except for Tsukiyama and me. My friend had left as well.

"So, what did you think of it, my dear?" Tsukiyama asked me.

"Uhm, it was... how to describe it? Maybe even the best evening of my whole life?" That was not a lie. It had been one of the best evenings I've ever had.

"There is one thing that had been bothering me lately" 

"What is it?" I asked him, trying to sound nonchalant and not caring, while I was extremely curious.

"How are you planning on assassinating me?"

Whoa?!! Never had one of my targets seen through my plans. Well, there had been one that had told me that I acted a bit strange and suspicious, but never had anyone seen my true intensions.


My voice was trembling.

"Easy, your bodylanguage gave you away"

A dark chuckle escaped his lips.

"But don't worry. I'm not going to kill you..."

Not? A sigh escaped my lips.


Oh God, there's an if!

"...You promise to give up on assassinating"

"What? Quit being an assassin? I'm sorry, but what do you expect me to do then? Just leave and tell my boss that the assassination failed? That would mean I am a complete failure, and that would mean the end of me. And I don't really like the sound of that"

It became quiet. Tsukiyama was searching for a solution to our little problem.

"What if you just disappeared... I could give you a job, and as your superior, I will protect you from hitman trying to take revenge on your failure. Does that sound okay?"

Tsukiyama sounded so friendly, and he was also really good looking. Maybe working for him wouldn't be so bad, right?

"I accept"

There was a little bit of hesitation in my voice. But my doubts disappeared when Tsukiyama smiled at me. This was going to be fun...

Tokyo Ghoul X Reader one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora