Mask - Ayato x reader

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Hi everyone : ) This is an Ayato x reader (Yeah, I'm sure you already guessed that from the title, but who cares?). In this story you are a ghoul that lives together with Ayato at Aogiri Tree. Sorry for this story being so weird! I had totally no inspiration, so it's kind off a combination between different ideas, and that's why it's so weird! Enjoy

"Come here (f/n)!"

"No way, Ayato!"

I stuck my tongue out. Ayato rolled with his eyes.

"If you don't come here now, I will come and get you! And I can't guarantee your life!"

"Ooh no, I'm soooo afraid!"

What a childish being I am.

This was one of his games to show he was the strongest. I hate losing, and he was trying to profit from this. Too bad his perfect plan had backfired on him. He had been trying to irritate me by calling me names. One of his favourite being 'Pet'.

Oh, how I hate that name. Two years ago, I was a poor ghoul living on the streets. I had no money for clothing or a home. The CCG had been hunting me for months, but they weren't going to win. I had to eat those humans. It's not my fault for being hungry. If they'd just let me eat those who had commited suicide...

That would have been a lot easier. But unfortunately, life isn't that easy. So I lived on as a dirty child, the only thing I had to wear was an old dress a girl had given to me. Because she pitied me. Ha, she should've known better. She was really tasty.

After another month I almost died of hunger. One more day and I would have lost my common sense. I would have gone eating the first person I saw. If Ayato hadn't saved me, the CCG would have probably killed me.

Ayato saw me, dying from the hunger. So he took me to Aogiri Tree and gave me something to eat. The thing is, I still don't know why he saved me. When I ask him, he always seems to evade my questions.

I was so happy. He had saved my life. Without him I would have been dead, I owe him my life. So I will stay with him forever. Or is that selfish?

He treated me really nice. I really loved him and followed him everwhere he went. It was kind of like a pet that feels obligated to its owner. And that is why Ayato calls me pet. Although I really wish he wouldnt.

But today he did it again. He called me 'Pet' again. He sure knows how to get me angry. He thought it was funny and laughed at me. Telling me what a pitiful creature I am. But this wasn't a really smart thing to do. I got really angry and took my revenge.

I ran to his room and took his mask. Ayato had followed me to his room. He arrived just in time to see me put on his mask and jump out of the window. His room was on the first story, so I didn't break any bones. It did hurt though, but my leg regenerated quite fast.

I ran away. I was really fast, but I had a bad stamina, so this wasn't going to last long. I had to hide. Some humans screamed as I ran through the city at max speed, wearing a frightening mask. 

"You idiot! I'm going to get you for this, (f/n)!"

"Yeah, sure Bakayato!"

I looked around to see his face very close to mine. Shit! Why did he have to be such a fast runner? I knew that he, an ukaku, would need some air very soon, but his stamina was just a little bit better than mine.

Oh no. He's going to catch up with me! And then...

No. I won't let this happen. I ran as fast as I could. I ran into a random street. I ran and ran... untill I saw that I had ran into an alley. A dead end. The walls were too hight to jump over.

I ran to the wall the furthest away from Ayato. There I was. Trapped inbetween the wall and a predator. Ayato walked closer to me.

"Give me the mask (f/n)!" he growled.

Oh yeah, I was still wearing the mask.

"Not until you apologize to me!"

"No way!"

Ayato was only a few steps away from me. Too close. Too close! I needed to escape. But how?

Then I noticed a small gap in the wall, and about a metre above the gap there was another one. If I could jump high enough to reach the small gaps I could climb the wall and escape via the rooftops of the houses surrounding us.

I jumped and grabbed onto the lowest gap. With my other hand I reached out for the gap above it. I barely made it. If it had been a bit higher I wouldn't have been able to escape from Ayato. I found a small brick that stuck out from the wall and placed my foot on it. Now I could climb to the rooftop!

I made it! I sighed in relief. Forgetting that my assailant was close behind me. I sat down on the other side of the roof, catching my breath. Then a hand tried to grab mine. I screamed and almost fell off of the building.


"Stop running from me (f/n)! Even if you run I'll catch you eventually."

"WE"LL SEE ABOUT THAT BAKAYATO!" I shouted at him while I escaped over the rooftops of the houses. I knew that he was right, but I really didn't want him to beat me up again, so I ran. People yelled at us that it was extremely dangerous to play on the rooftops.

Not that I was going to listen to them anyway. I took a deep breath. It smelled like Ayato, because of the mask I was wearing. I grinned, but this made the mask move a bit. It shifted in front of my eyes and for a second I couldn't see anything. 

I quickly shoved the mask back into place, but it was too late. I had already lost my balance. My foot slipped and I fell of the roof. Fortunately nobody had seen me fall, so I didn't have to worry about that. Otherwise I would have had to fake a broken leg for three weeks again! And I can tell you that it's really irritating.

"Oh, you're the girl that fell from the rooftops last month? How are you? You know that I told you to come down, right? If you would've listened this wouldn't have happened. Well, it did happen. Get well soon!"

Ugh, so irritating.

I took of the mask and dropped it to the ground. I stood up from the cold floor and tried to continue my escape, but a hand grabbed my arm and prevented me from running.

"Ayato!" I squealed in fear. 

I didn't know what to do anymore, so I just screamed.

"Help! Help me! I'm being kidnapped by this strange guy! Help!"

But nobody came to help.

"Shut your mouth (f/n)! Or I'm going to have to shut it for you!"

What did he mean with that?

"What do you m-"

He had locked his lips with mine to prevent me from screaming for help. When he pulled back, I was in total shock. D-did he just...?

He picked up the mask and started to walk away from me. Then he turned around with a big grin on his face and said:

"Thank you (f/n)!"

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