Where'd the guitar case go? - Arima x Reader

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Don't mind the weird title, it's just a reference to Arima's past. This was a request from @Ayase_Tsukasa_, I hope you like it. It was kind of strange to write, because when I think about romantic Tokyo Ghoul characters, Arima's definitely not someone that would pop into my mind. Btw, the alineas in italics are flashbacks. I hope Arima's not too OOC (he is, I know, but romance is really hard to write when your character doesn't show much affection!).

"Hey Arima, where'd the guitar case go?"

'no way! That voice... and that comment... this can only be... Is it?' 

"Kishou Arima! Where were you? I was so worried about you! Don't just leave me like that. And what was with that strange phonecall?"  Should I tell her? Should I tell her that I'm secretly a ghoul investigator? Should I tell her that the guitar case on my back isn't really a guitar case? No. It's probably better if she doesn't know.

I shouldn't tell her, even though I don't want to keep any secrets from her. You shouldn't keep secrets from your friends, especially not from your best friends. And she is one of my best friends. I just don't want to get her involved in my job, it's too dangerous.


True, I'm a liar. I lied to (y/n) about working at a supermarket. I lied to her about why I skip so many classes. I lied to her, but worst of all, I lied to myself. I'm not keeping this a secret from her to protect her from getting involved in this mess. I'm keeping this a secret from her so I won't have to face her, in case it turns that she's a ghoul.

"I missed you Kishou!" A small smile appeared on her face. So she was the promising investigator Shinohara told me about... Of course, it must have been. A powerfull woman such as herself couldn't have died. All this time. But where had she been?

"I uhm, I got a call from the cops that a dangerous ghoul was spotted near my house and that I should be careful when I go home."  Idiot! She'll only be worried about me if I say something like this! 

"Really? Then why'd you disappear for a few hours? If they only called you to watch out..."

"They wanted to question me. They wanted to know if I had noticed anything strange lately and this took rather long, seeing as I had to wait for an hour before it was my turn, since they decided to question almost everyone that lives in that area."

"I see... Well, if you say so. Be careful when you go home today, okay?"

"Of course." Was I being too cold like that? No, I never spoke much. She should be happy I even talk to her. She and Taishi Fura are the only people I really talk to. And I befriended Taishi because he helps me with the missions.

Ugh, this is so difficult. Why do I try so hard to be nice to her? Why do I want her to like me? I've never felt something like this before. I never interact with people that much. Why is she so different? I wish I knew why I feel like this whenever I'm around her.

"You... (y/n), you're back." The small smile adorning her features turned into a big grin. 

"You remembered me... I'm so happy!" Tears started to flow from her eyes. I felt like I was going to cry, but the tears never came.

"Kishou?" She had a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright? You look... different."

I shrugged my shoulders at this comment. I guess that after her disappearence I kind of locked away my emotions. I don't want to get hurt again.

Okay, calm down Kishou. you're just going to tell her that you like her and that you would like to become more than just friends. I finally cleared up my mind, this strange feeling, this is how it feels to be in love. Now I just had to find (y/n) and confess.

I decided to go over to her house, I hadn't been there very often despite being one of her best friends. The door was unlocked when I arrived. Strange, (y/n) would never leave her door open like that, she' was too afraid that ghould might come in uninvited. 

"(y/n)? Are you home?" Of course she was home, you idiot. She told me she still had loads of homework she needed to finish and knowing her she wouldn't leave without having it finished. That trait of hers would make her a good investigator later.

"(y/n)! I'm coming in!"

I entered the small appartment where she lived. The lights were on, that means that she's definitely home. I checked the rooms one by one. There was no sign of (y/n). Where did she go? I walked to the last room I hadn't checked yet. Her bedroom. I opened the door and...

"Blood?" I thought out loud. The room was covered in blood. "(Y/N)!!!" I shouted. There was no answer, not like I had expected her to answer me. Oh, how I wished that she'd just suddenly jump out of the closet and scream "Surprise!" 

"Where have you been?" I questioned her, but not in a sweet caring way, no, I asked her in a harsh demanding tone. 


"Don't call me that! You don't have the right to call me by my first name after having disappeared for so long." I saw more tears escaping from her (e/c) pools. However, this time they weren't tears of happiness, they were tears caused by sadness and emptiness.

"I-I didn't mean to disappear for so long."

"Oh no? Then tell me where you  owent. I heard from Shinohara that you have been working as a ghoul investigator for three years already. When he told me that an investigator was going to transfer to our department I didn't think anything of it. But now..."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't give me that." I glared at her. I despised her. I had been searching for her for years, afraid that something horrible might have happened to her, or that she might have gotten herself killed. Years, I searched for her for years! 

"All those years, I searched for you all those years! During every mission I checked if it might have had something to do with your disappearence, but you were save. You had me worried for so long."

She slowly walked towards me. She stopped when she we were just a few inces apart.

"Koushi, I missed you. I never stopped thinking about you. The reason I left is because I had to hide. The ghoul that had been seen around your appartment, it was an acquaintance of mine. He tried to kill me. I fought him in my appartment, I still had an anti-ghoul knife and killed him. I was afraid his friends would come back for me, so I fled. After that I became an investigator. That's why I left. I didn't want to get you involved. Of course I couldn't have known that you were an undercover investigator. If I had known that I would have.... I would have..."

(y/n) suddenly burst out crying and hugged me. I extended my arms and held her close to me. 

"It's okay now. You're save and that's all that matters."

"K-kishou?" I couldn't do anything but smile. Even though I swore to myself that I'd never ever let my emotions get the better of me again I couldn't help but feel happy.

"Welcome back (y/n)"

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