I need your help!

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Okay, I know you expected an update and bla bla bla, but I need your help!

Last chapter I said I would be accepting requests, but no one made a request :(

The reason I accept requests now is because I'm stuck. I don't know who you want to read about, so please make a request in this chapter! I beg of you, I'm desperate (No, not really, jk).

It's just easier to write and come up with a story once someone has been requested. Btw, my favorite characters to write about are Juuzou, Ayato and Hide.

So, since I don't want to post a chapter just to ask for your help and disappoint you, since there is no new chapter, I also want to tell you something else. I love all of you readers! This may sound really chliché, and it is, but every new vote makes me smile. And comments really make my day.

Thank you, all of you who read my stories, vote and comment! I really appreciate it!

Tokyo Ghoul X Reader one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora