Ayato x Reader - Alarm clocks

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From Ayato's point of view

I sleepily lifted up my head a few centimeters and pulled the pillow out from under me. I let out an exaggerated groan and pressed the pillow down on my face and ears, pulling rather harshly on the innocent corners of the cloth. Unfortunately it did not drown out the obnoxiously loud alarm clock on the other side of the wall.

The longer I listened to the damned beeping noise, the louder it seemed to get. In a vain attempt to get rid of the sound I pulled even harder on the pillow. My knuckles were turning a pale white colour, a few more seconds and the soft headrest would rip apart.

"Why me?" I though aloud, the complaint turning into incoherent mumbling because of the cloth pressed into my face. The higher-ups in Aogiri Tree just had to give away the empty room next to mine to that girl. How annoying.

Her alarm clock always went off at six in the morning, SIX. Is she even from this planet? No one should voluntarily wake up at six o' clock, it is simply unnatural. And she also doesn't bother to turn it off. So I have been forced to wake up at six, because of that imbecile,

Every. Single. Morning.

Who the hell does she think she is? She got involved with us only a little while ago and everybody absolutely adores her. They think she's the ultimate addition to Aogiri. I heard what they say about her; intellectual, a cunning strategist, a delightful personality, above average when it comes to battling, stunning looks. Well, they're fucking crazy. 

It wouldn't have been so bad if it had just been soft music, but that loud beeping sound is what makes it so horrible. Who thought it would be a good idea to give an alarm clock the function 'WAKE UP EVERYONE, IT'S TIME TO GET PISSED OFF AT MY CONCERT, OH AND PROBABLY REALLY EARLY TOO'? I am not going to tolerate this any longer! This is pure torment and I won't let that idiot ruin my sleep anymore. 

I stood up and put on the clothes that I had disgracefully discarded yesterday when I went to bed. I brushed a hand through the untameable  mess on top of my head and departed from my room to diminish the noise resonating throughout the hallway.

I knocked on the door but received no answer. This was slowly beginning to tick me off really bad. It took a few more seconds until my endurance was gone and I abruptly kicked the door open. If she was going to annoy me then I would return the favor. 

The noise was now seeping into my brain, slowly damaging my ability to hear. I squinted my eyes at the darkness of the room, the light from the hallway was not doing much for me either. I brutally smashed the light switch, luckily not demolishing it completely, making it easier for me to see.

The alarm clock had been placed on the small bedside table next to the occupied bed. It seemed way too big for the person taking a nap in it. It appeared the girl was still asleep, tightly holding onto the pillow she was currently resting her head on.

If she hadn't been clutching that pillow so firmly she would have resembled a corpse. She was lying perfectly still, the falling and rising of her chest from under the blankets barely noticeable. The inconspicuous change of her form when I turned on the lights, accompanied by the unawareness of the blaring noise a few centimeters from her ears made her an even more convincing dead body.

She was astonishingly beautiful, but only when she was asleep. When she would open her eyes the nightmares would begin. The way she just rambled on and on about her virtually perfect ambushes I wouldn't be able to come up with, those irksome little smiles she sent everyone whose eyes met hers, and, the worst of all, how she assumed I needed help with the simplest of things.

She tried to put a bobby pin in my hair when it kept falling in front of my eyes, she helped me fight off those doves, even though I clearly didn't need her help, and asked me if I wanted a bite of her prey. It was her prey, for crying out loud!

No, she was definitely easier to stand when she was asleep.

"Wake up, idiot! Your alarm clock is trying to murder my eardrums!" Her brow twitched, almost as if annoyance, and then she remained as expressionless as she had been before. She wouldn't even notice if a bomb went detonated right next to her face. I shaked my head as multiple gruesome scenarios on creative ways to make sure she would sleep forever took placed in my mind.

However, I had a different nuisance to take care of at the moment. I walked over to the alarm clock, searching for a button that would shut the alarm down. Apart from the buttons that were there to determine the exact time of the alarm there seemed to be no particular button to shut the alarm down.

Lowering my face so that my eyes were a little closer to the alarm clock, I discovered a button on the side of the object. I pressed it once, twice, thrice, but nothing happened. So maybe I needed to try a different approach. I could just smash the clock into the wall, but I don't think she'd appreciate that, she'd just buy another one. I had to be careful.

I followed the cable that was supposed to connect the alarm clock to electrical outlet, only to find that the cable went directly into the wall, probably connected to a socket somewhere else. Chances were that if I pulled on the cord more than just the alarm clock would shut down, and no way in hell was I going to take that chance.

There was only one thing left, she'd have to do it herself. But how was I going to accomplish that? Sound wasn't going to wake her up. Then a brilliant idea struck my mind. I walked over to the girl sleeping soundlessly in the bed and grasped the fluffy covers that kept her warm

I pulled them off of her in one smooth motion. It effectively woke her up, oh boy, how I wish it hadn't... How could I have known that her sleeping attire was so... minimal? Panties and a sports bra. Sure, it was less bad than if she had been one of those people who sleep nude, but judging by her face she wasn't about to appreciate that she had at least worn something.

"AYATO, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" she screeched, her voice hurting my ears even worse than the alarm clock. I awkwardly stood there and fidgeted with the hem of my shirt, trying to fight down the annoying blush that was starting to spread all over my face.

"Your shitty alarm clock went off at FUCKING SIX IN THE MORNING!" I screamed back at her. It was not my fault, it was her alarm clock that ruined everything.

"So?" she angrily said.

"Well uhm, it's annoying. Please turn it off. Also (name), nice panties. I didn't know you were the baby blue type." 

"Get. Out. Now."

Let's just say that after that morning (name) always made sure to check the volume of her alarm clock before going to sleep.

Honestly, I think Ayato is just an unsocial, tsundere, whiny little bitch. But he is the best unsocial, tsundere, whiny little bitch there is, he is still one of my fave characters and I love writing for him. I feel like I don't quite understand his personality yet, but that is what makes it fun to write for Ayato, it's a great practice. I am also not sure on whether I should continue using (name), because it always makes a story so irrealistic. I can write them without using (name) as well, it would feel more personal. Any thoughts on that?

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