Hide x Reader ~ Because they told me to

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From now on, if you have a request please pm me so we can discuss the details. This is a lot easier for me than requesting something in the comments (don't get me wrong, I absolutely love comments, please do comment, but just not a request as I can easily miss it!). This is from Hide's pov.

"Honey, I'm home!" For a few seconds it remained completely silent, but then a loud giggle resounded throughout the hallway in response. I sighed in relief, this simple giggle was something I would throw away my live for.

Soft footfalls could be heard as my girlfriend was supposedly walking from the right side of the room to the left. While she kept pacing around the room I took off my jacket and tossed it to the hatrack. The rim of the jacket caught onto one of the small hooks, making the piece of clothing softly sway from side to side.

My shoes soon followed after, unceremoniously landing somewhere I didn't bother to even look at. My own steps now reverberated across the floor as my form was quickly transported to the mahogany door.

I clutched the door handle and without applying too much pressure I opened up the hinged barrier that seperated me from the person I longed for the most. The door creaked a little, I would have to fix that later on, some people could find it triggering.

The first thing that struck me was the fact that the only source of light in the room was a small ray of sunshine that had managed to break through the small hole in the curtains. No lamp or other artificial light source had been used.

My eyes were not used to the darkness of the room yet and it took me some time to distinguish the living being seated in the corner. She was facing the wall and her shoulders shook slightly.

"I'm going to turn on the light, okay?" I asked her. However, this went unnoticed by the girl as a wild set of giggles escaped her lips. The giggles turned into laughter and soon her whole body was shaking violently.

I turned the light on without her consent, but it didn't seem to bother her at all. She was too busy laughing at something inexplicable. I slowly walked towards the corner, making sure my steps were loud enough for her to hear.

She was still laughing as I inched closer and closer. Suddenly the laughter abruptly came to a halt and her eyes went wide. She opened her mouth as if she had never seen anything more amazing, even though she was just staring at a wall.

"Is that so? I never thought you would- he's standing behind me? Oh, I guess you're right, I should say hello!" Hearing her say these words got more heartbreaking every time. She stood up but still didn't face me.

"Hide! I'm so happy you're home. Blue was just telling me something about you. A dirty little secret you have been keeping from me! Ahaha, I'm just kidding, she was actually saying something else about you. But I don't want to tell you that..."

She suddenly looked down and started to trace the stitches on her dress. It was as if she was contemplating whether to tell me what she had heard or not. Her expression became more uncomfortable as I stared at her, trying to decipher this peculiar girl.

"Well, that's okay! You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I smiled, trying to make it look as genuine as possible. She seemed to buy it, but the small twitch of her left eye told me that deep inside she knew I was actually desperately begging for her to tell me.

I swung one of my arms around her shoulders and guided her to the couch. I sat down and pulled her next to me so I could embrace her. My left hand found its way into her soft hair and started twirling a strand around my finger.

I noticed how thin her hair had become. Unfortunately her hair wasn't the only thing that had been suffering. Her face was blank and her cheeks no longer had that rosy hue whenever she burried her face into my shoulder. Her figure was the thinnest I had ever seen her.

My hand slid up the side of her face and cupped her cheek. She stared into my eyes with a faraway look, those eyes resembled nothing more than the pain we had to endure together. Sometimes I asked myself whether this was the right choice, whether she was happy living like this.

"She says you don't believe me whenever I tell you something. She says you think I'm crazy." Out of the blue she confessed the thoughts that had been burdening her mind. A single tear escaped from her eye. Help me, it screamed.

My free hand entangled itself in her thin locks of hair and started to play with them. I was silent for a short moment of time before I gathered up the courage to talk to her.

"She's lying. I don't think you're crazy. I love you" There was no response, which wasn't very unusual, though it was still a little unsettling and hurting. The hand that had previously been cupping her face now traced down her arm as she winced slightly.

I grabbed a hold of her wrist and curled up the sleeve of her dress. There were cuts all over her arm. I didn't even bother counting, there were just too many of them and I could clearly pick out the recent ones.

A strange sensation rose up from somewhere deep inside of me and it made me feel sick to my core. I choked back a sob and pinched my lips harshly to keep them from trembling.

"Why? Why did you... do that?" I asked her, although I have no idea why I even tried it in the first place. I already knew the answer to that question.

"Because they told me to."

"Why do you listen to them?" 

"They said everything will get better if I did it." At that statement I felt my heart crumble into a thousand tiny pieces. The tears I had been holding back finally escaped and my shoulders rythmically shook along with my pathetic wails.

She cried with me, not knowing what had caused my tears. She was just crying because I cried too, because of the tension she wasn't able to understand, because of all the things that were too difficult to comprehend.

I cried my heart out while she hid her face in my shoulder. Her cheeks were still the same color. Oh, doesn't everybody wish they could turn back time at some point in their life?

After what seemed like hours I finally came to my senses and stopped sobbing. She lifted her head up and stared at me, expecting me to come up with an answer. So I did. I gave her the same answer I did every night.

"Let's go to sleep, (name)"

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