When Death Just Isn't Funny Anymore

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The Bomb Squad was drawing nearer to Nevada. The closer they got, the more they each felt their lives were in danger. However, all of them were more scared for Maxxis than they were for themselves or each other. Ever since Kissmy's death, no one allowed Maxxis to be by himself. Since Coco and Buzz Kill couldn't take their supplies with them, Self Expression was cancelled. The only class Maxx had anymore was Physical Training. Joe was still his main teacher, but the others would join in from time to time to keep their skills up.

They'd stopped at another school somewhere in northern Texas. They wanted a place with a track for Maxx to practice on. The layout was different from their old school back in Illinois, but they didn't bother to see much of it. The ground was getting dryer, and the air was hotter than it was in Illinois. When they weren't outside training, they were inside cooling off in the AC. Fail Face barely ventured outside the school, but wherever Maxxis went, she was right beside him.

The day finally came that it was too hot for any of them to go outside. Buzz Kill fanned herself with her mini makeup kit as she checked the thermometer. "It's 105 in here," she groaned.

"And that's with the AC on," Boss Man added.

"Fuck...my life!" Coco gasped as she rested on Boss Man's lap.

"I really don't want to cancel PT, but if you work too much, Maxxie, you'll pass out," Joe spoke.

Maxxis held the water fountain button for Fail Face. She eagerly lapped up the water for the third time in one minute. "So what are we gonna do?"

"Lay on our backs and die," Charles suggested.

"Sweat our weight off and come into a new wardrobe," Coco barely laughed.

"We're not just going to sit here on our asses all day," Joe snapped.

Charles matched her tone, "Then what do you suggest we do?"

Joe gave her a threatening look, "Give me a minute, and I'll think of something."

"Well, think of it quick because we're dying in here."

"You know what, Charles, let's hear your brilliant idea. I'm sure if you're rushing me that means you must have an amazing idea that tops anything I could ever come up with. C'mon, let's have it!" Joe challenged.

"You know what, Nicole, I'm sick of this attitude you've had for the past sixteen years! You think you're better than everyone else! We didn't make you leader! You claimed it for yourself! We used to be best friends, but then you turned into this giant self centered, whiney, brainless, stupid, bitchy, piece of shit that only has friends because the world fucking ended! Screw off, you dumbass cunt!"

"That's it!" Joe lunged at Charles. They were on the floor, punching each other, biting, scratching, cussing, and breaking things over each other's heads. Everyone tried to break up the fight, but were usually met with a slap on the arm. At one point, Joe was sitting on Charles's chest trying to strangle her. Mamasita grabbed the back of Joe's shirt and tried to pull her off. Joe became so angry, she whipped around and punched Mamasita in the face.

"Oh hell no, bitch!" Mamasita yelled. She growled as she picked up Joe with one hand and threw her against the wall behind her, smashing her into a trophy case. Charles tried to get up and run at Joe, but was met with a stiff arm by Mamasita, knocking her to the floor. "Both of you stop it right the fuck now!" Mamasita snapped. She stared angrily at Charles, "If this is how you act when you actually do talk, shut the fuck up for the rest of your life!" She turned back to Joe, "And if this is how you act as leader, you can answer to me from now on! Do you hear me?!"

A-O Bomb Squad 4: The Final BlowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang