Where Oh Where Could Buzz Kill Be

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Joe woke up from her strange dream. She had seen all of her friends alive again, but instead of being their normal selves, they were different kinds of monsters.

Last time I ever eat sweets before bed, she thought to herself as she shook her head. She got up from her makeshift bed from a booth in an old abandoned diner. The remaining members of the team stocked up on canned goods and took their time raiding the diner. 

"Honey!" Coco yelled from behind the counter.

"What?" asked Boss Man.

"Not you! I found honey!" she laughed. Joe was happy to see everyone in a good mood.

"I found some ground coffee beans and unopened water bottles," said Maxx. Fail Face barked in excitement.

"Thank, IG. Momma can have her coffee again!" Joe exclaimed.

"Who's IG?" Maxxis asked.

"Imaginary God," Boss Man and Coco replied.

"Shouldn't we be getting on the road soon?" Buzz Kill asked.

"Doesn't matter. We have all the time in the world," Coco mumbled.

Buzz Kill snapped back, "Well, you don't have to have such a bleak outlook."

"Who said it was bleak? It's true," she replied monotonously.

Joe was determined to keep the happy mood going. "We'll get on the road soon. We've got time." She didn't want to auspisticize between the two, but she would if she needed to. Things were getting hectic since there was only five people and a dog left. "Let's just stock up what we can and head out until the next town and get new clothes. Ours are getting a bit rundown, and Maxx is having a growth spurt....again."

"Mom, it's not like I can help it; I'm thirteen!" Maxx exclaimed.

"I know, baby," Joe said standing on her toes to kiss her son's forehead. "Man, it sucks to be the shortest out of all of us." Everyone just laughed.

An hour later, they boarded the bus and headed to the next town towards a gas station to fill up the bus. Everyone got out and headed to the bathrooms in the rest stop. Joe, behind everyone, was stretching her sore body from being cramped on the bus for a long time. Coco got off the bus; her one eye staring out across the horizon .

"Yo, Co, come here for a second," Joe called.

"What's up?" Coco asked.

"Does something seem a bit off to you?" Joe whispered over her shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"Buzzy has been a bit, well, bitter with everyone lately. It's starting to bother me, and from what it looks like, Boss Man too." Joe said pointing to Boss Man in the distance. He had a slight irritated look on his face.

"Eh, I'll keep an eye on them and see what's going on," Coco reassured Joe.

"Thanks a bunch, Beck, you're a great friend." Joe smiled.

"Mom, I'm beat. Can we go to sleep now?" Maxx yelled as he ran to his mother with the dog right behind him, thus ending the conversation.

"Sure thing, honey. I think I saw a hotel with a fire escape a few minutes from here."

"Great," Buzz Kill interjected from across the parking lot, "I could use a good night's sleep in a bed for once."

"I second that," Boss Man added. He and Buzz Kill climbed back onto the bus with the other three and the dog closely behind.

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