More Journal Entries

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After we burried Kissmy, Mom said we were going to Area 51 and properly searching the place. "This time." I didn't know what she meant by that. We stopped at another rest stop so everyone could stretch their legs and use a proper bathroom.

"Maxx, if Fail Face senses anything off, hide in the vents," Mom ordered before joining the others. I opened the journal and continued from where I left off as everyone went to patrol the area.

Sylvan was describing the day they went to the mall for new clothes.

Dear journal,

The mall was awfully quiet. We had not seen any zombies until we walked through the children's daycare area. We went to the nearby stores and tried on clothes to replace our now heavily worn ones. We changed clothes and walked to the foodcourt. I was standing next to Lizzy-Beth, a very clever nickname I made for Nicole, on the escalator when I felt a strange presence.

"How do you put a zombie baby to sleep?" I asked jokingly.

"I don't know, how?" she asked giving me a puzzled look.

"Well, who cares cause here they come!" I yelled. The two of us started to shoot at the zombified children.

The zombie brats started to gain on Coco and Boss Man, but Boss Man had kept Coco safe. Later we burned the bodies outside in the parking lot, and we all joined together to sleep in the mattress store. We all doubled checked that we had locked the gate.

During the night Coco had a nightmare, and Joe and Boss Man took care of it. The next morning we were all awoken by the zombies breaking through the gates.

"Joe, get your ass up now!" yelled Charles.

"What's going on?" she asked in her deep raspy morning voice.

"The zombies made it through the gate!"


Later on we made it to the bus safely and drove in a fast manner.

Sorry, Journal, but I have to end this for now.


I finished the entry and looked around; nobody was nearby, so I countinued to look in the book some more. The next few entries surprised me.

Dear journal,

We stopped at Pizza Hut for breakfast this morning. The girls sat away from me and the boys, as usual. I could hear them chit chat but was having a hard time hearing them over Jaason and Steve having a burping contest. All of a sudden the room was half as quiet as it was, until I heard the girls start to laugh.

"Hey, Smarty, come 'ere for a sec!" shouted Joe.

"Hm?" I say.

"How's your guys' relationship?" asked Coco.

"I don't get it," I replied in confusion.

Joe leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear, "Since they found you death-cuddling me in my seat, they think we are together. Are we?"

My face grew red with embarrassment, but I recovered and smirked with a "Quite fine, actually."

I sat down and wrapped my arm around Lizzy-beth's shoulder. We both looked at each other, smiled, and started to laugh as the girls sat in complete awe. I don't know why, but I feel happy around her. And I, Sylvan Gentry, have never felt happy towards another living being before.

That's all for now, I guess.


I stared at the writing in shock. Smarty and my mom were...together? Was this why I was named after him? The curiousity was killing me, but before I could read any farther, mom started walking towards me. So I acted like I was writing in it, then slapped it shut. "Hey, mom, what's up?"

 "We're going to be getting on the bus soon. Pack up your stuff, okay?"

"Sure, mom," I said as she walked past. I stuffed the journal into my bag and called for the dog. We walked onto the bus together, and she sat in the seat beside me. I closed my eyes and ended up falling asleep. I dreamt of the guy I saw in my zombie killer dream again. Except this time he and my mom we're holding hands and walking in the school's halls. Then the dream shifted. Mom suddenly had this huge bump on her stomach like she was pregnant. Suddenly, the older me got super happy. He started rubbing her stomach and talking to it. He was saying things like, "I can't wait to see you," and "You're gonna be just like your mommy."

Slowly, the older me started morphing into Dad, and the bump on Mom's stomach disappeared. Dad and Mom were hugging when suddenly a little boy ran up and hugged their legs. Mom picked him up and kissed the kid's forehead. The child's face turned so I could see him. It was me, followed by my parents saying, "We love you Maxxis."

I was shaken awake.

"Maxx! Maxx! Wake up, boy!" Coco shouted at me.

"Whuh? What's goin' on?" I asked sleepily.

Her voice dropped to a whisper, "You were dreaming. About Sylvan. Right?"

I matched her volume, "How did you know?"

"I was walking by and you started talking in your sleep. All you said was, 'Sylvan,' but I knew you were dreaming about him."

"So now you're a psychiatrist?" I asked sarcastically.

"Do you want your momma to kill you, boy?!"

"Sorry!" I whispered.

She moved the dog to the row across from my seat and sat down beside me. "So what was your dream about?" I explained the occurences of my dream, making sure I left nothing out. At the end she asked me, "So you know? About Sylvan?"

"Quite the contrary, dear aunt," I said in a British accent. "The dream confused me ever more," I added in my normal voice. "All I know about him is that he was a member of Bomb Squad, Julio killed him, and Mom refuses to talk about him."

"So you don't know?" she questioned.

"What is it with you and mom and dad and secrets?!" I almost shouted.

We both heard the familiar sound of Mom's boots coming down the aisle. Coco quickly, and conveniently, handed me a few small pills and said, "Now these should keep you from talking in your sleep again." She whispered in my ear they were only sugar pills and to take them in front of Mom. Afterwards, she walked to her seat and left me and Mom alone.

"You were talking in your sleep?" she asked.

"I guess so."

"Oh, well, I just wanted to see if you were alright." Then she kissed me on the head and went back to her seat.

I took the pills, fluffed my pillow, leaned back my chair, and rested my head back down.

A-O Bomb Squad 4: The Final BlowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon