The Fire Burned Out

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The day after Loud Speaker's death, the Bomb Squad each mourned in their own way. Most chose to go to their own part of the building and cry. Fire Muffin and Charles spent it together in a room on the second floor, far away from the others.

"I can't believe he just...died," Charles said.

"I know. Poor Taylor."

"Do you really think Coco left him ?"

"Possibly. None of us were there. They were arguing before he died."

"No," Charles denied, "she wouldn't kill him."

"What makes you think so?" Fire Muffin asked.

"Coco doesn't seem like the kind to murder. Except Jaason, but he was an annoying prick. She still loved Steve; she wouldn't have the guts to kill anyone, let alone him."

Fire Muffin shrugged and they continued to talk. Suddenly, there was a zombie moan. They both looked at each other, then lept up off the floor. They opened the door, and there were zombies everywhere. Boss Man and Buzz Kill ran out of adjacent rooms. "Grab a weapon and let's go!" Boss Man ordered. They all ran back into their rooms and pulled out the guns they'd stowed away in case a situation like this ever happened. Fire Muffin and Charles had just reached their guns when they heard the others already shooting. They ran out and joined in the carnage.

"Where'd they come from?!" Charles asked the other two.

"I don't know! They just showed up!" Boss Man answered.

Suddenly, Joe and Mad Dog appeared from the staircase.

"Where did they come from?!" Joe asked Boss Man.

"I don't know! I just opened the door, and there they were!" he replied.

Mamasita and Kissmy ran up the stairs. "The hell's goin' on?!" Mamasita asked. She was answered by the large group of zombies before her. "How did they get in here?!"

"We don't know!" everyone shouted.

"Mama!" Joe yelled. "Go find Coco! We're gonna need her!" She nodded and took off back down the stairs. "Buzz Kill, where's Maxx?!"

"He left while I was asleep!"

Joe turned to the dog and ordered, "Fail Face, go find Maxx!" The dog barked and went down the same stairs Mamasita had. Joe did her signature move of shoving her katana through the zombies' heads. She had trouble focusing on the zombies since she didn't know the status on her only child. Mad Dog had this problem as well. It made the killing load larger on the others. Luckily, Mamasita returned up the stairs with Coco behind her.

"How'd they-"

"We don't know!" everyone interrupted. The zombies roared in reply.

In the middle of fighting, Kissmy nearly got scratched by a zombie. Mamasita growled and shot the zombie right through the brain. It exploded on the white wall, like painting on a canvas. Over time the whole section of the hallway looked like it had been spattered in blood. Everyone started running out of energy, but the zombies kept coming. "Anyone else getting tired?" Mamasita asked.

"This doesn't usually happen to me," Joe answered somewhat confused as to her sudden loss in energy.

Coco shouted, "Maybe we're just getting -devil's shitbag!- rusty!"

"Doesn't surprise me!" Charles yelled from down the hall. "We haven't seen a fight like this in years!"

"I'm not ready to get old!" Kissmy whined. He kicked a zombie straight through the chest. It died, and he pulled his leg out, covered in zombie remiains. "Aw, gross! It got in between my toes!"

"Where's that dog with my son?!" Joe screamed impatiently.

"I would've told you to send one of us, but we need everyone right now," Boss Man thought out loud. Joe immediately started thinking of how this fight would be going if they truly had everyone back. Butt Monkey, Bam Bam, Missy (yes, even her), Dumbo, Smarty Pants, and Loud Speaker. If they had everyone back, this fight would be over in minutes. They'd have sixteen zombie killers. They'd be unstopable. If only she could bring them back.

"Charles! Be careful!" Fire Muffin yelled, interrupting Joe's thoughts. The zombies were starting to come from the other side. They started to overwhelm Charles. Fire Muffin ran to defend her. He tried to hold them off, but they kept going for her instead. He only thought of one solution. His fingers fumbled through his pockets as he looked for his pocket knife. He finally found it and quickly slit his left palm. All the zombies stopped except for the ones the Bomb Squad was fighting at that moment. They all ran towards Fire Muffin, forcing him to back into the other room. They flooded the room, driven mad by their lust for flesh. Fire Muffin shot them all the best he could. He was forced to reload, but continued backing up. He didn't have time to look where he was going before he fell out the window.

He landed on his head; his brains spread across the pavement. The zombies, still in their endeavor for his body, followed him out the window, which lead to their untimely demises. Everyone looked out the window and saw that they all were dead: Fire Muffin and the zombies. They quickly ran downstairs and out the doors. Charles shoved the zombies off of Fire Muffin. She cried. Even though she and Fire Muffin we're only friends, she cared about him the most. "Gary," she sobbed, "you fucking asshole! How could you leave me like this? You jerk!" She slammed her fist onto his chest. "Damn you!" she cried. "Damn you to Heaven!"

Everyone stood and cried. They didn't hold anything back. They couldn't take this strong a blow so quickly after Loud Speaker's death. No one but Charles said anything, but she was just cursing Anita, Gary, and even God. Suddenly they heard Maxxis' voice. "Guys, what's going on?" They just moved out of his way, with the exception of Charles, to let him see. He looked down in dispair at Fire Muffn's body. "Not again," he whispered. He fell to his knees and cried beside Charles. They had to pry her off him in order to clean his body.

They buried him to the right of Loud Speaker. Everyone cried. Boss Man held in his emotions long enough to say a prayer and give him a eulogy. After the funeral, everyone but Charles went inside. She knelt at his grave and continued crying. The inscription on his headstone read, "Gary 'Fire Muffin' Rolofson III. His fire finally burned out."

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