Out of Bounds

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Today began the biggest change of my life: my first time past the school yard. Mom and I were in the library at the time as she helped me pick some books out for a Bomb Squad History project.

"Joe! We have a big problem!" yelled Aunt Charles over her walkie talkie.

"What is it Ari?" asked my mom, tensed.

"We're getting very low on supplies since LS and FM usually did the 'shopping' for us. I think it's time we hit the road for a while and stock up on stuff," Charles informed.

"Alright, but it takes a ton of man power to load the bus, and we can't leave Maxxie alone here. I guess this means his first look of the real world," Mom said smiling at me as she reported back to Charles. "Make sure we have enough for dinner tonight and for a light breakfast; we head out tomorrow morning."

I nearly fell off the top shelf after I heard Mom and Charles talk. "I'm sorry, we're doing what now?" I asked as I climbed down before I hurt myself.

"We're gonna go on a little recon mission," Mom answered. "So what is your project about?"

I was so excited to see the world around me I'd barely heard the question. "Huh? Oh, um, I have to give five examples from history that possibly had zombies in them."

"I can give you one."

"Really? What?" She threw a book in my direction. I caught it and looked at the cover. "World War II?" I asked. "How were zombies present then?" She pulled a picture out of the book and showed it to me. I stared in confusion at it. "But...that's you...and Dad...and everyone." I turned the picture over and read the date, "December 12th, 1944?! How is that even possible?"

"We don't know. None of us could figure it out. Not even James." We both stared intensely at the photo. Then I found him. The man from my dream. I was shocked at how much he looked like me. I pointed him out to Mom.

"Who's that?"

She stared in shock. It was like she'd forgotten he was there. I could she was holding back tears. She wiped her eyes and replied, "It's you." She forced a smile. "C'mon. Let's go get you packed." She left without me. I stared at the picture for a few more seconds, then tucked it into my shirt pocket and followed after her.

We all ate dinner and went to bed early so we would not be dead tired when we got up. I waited until everyone else was asleep when I looked at the man in the picture. He was the same guy from mom's locket. 

Who is this guy, and why does my mom cry every year on my birthday? What's so special about him? I didn't even know his name. I stared at it intently while I put the pieces together. Then it hit me like a freight train. Sylvan. This guy was Sylvan! Maybe the guy was me. I could be his reincarnation or something. On the back, I wrote the name Sylvan so I wouldn't forget in the morning. Then I slid the picture back in my pocket and fell asleep.

I was awoken the next morning a cup of cold water to the face. I sprung straight up and gasped for air as I tried to get the water out of my nose. "So he's not an early riser," Coco concluded. She yelled over her shoulder, "Baby, you win!" In the back of the room, I heard Boss Man yell a reply. Coco tossed a towel towards me. "Wake up, sleepy head. Time's a-wasting!" She stuck her head out the door and yelled, "He's awake!" then came back in. She handed me the clothes I'd set out the night before and went to change herself.

I got up and dressed myself in a long sleeve shirt with red and gray stripes and a pair of black pants. I petted, a now awake, Fail Face.

"Morning, girl!" I said to her as she panted happily.

"Sweetie, put your jacket on. It's November for sweet Mama Jemima's sake!" Mom scolded me, which she does a lot. I know she's over protective because I'm her only child, and she wants me to see adulthood, unlike most of the people she's known.

"Moooom!" I'm groaned. "I'm not going to die from a cold."

"You almost did when you were seven!" she retorted.

"I have a weak immune system!"

"And that's why you're putting your jacket on!" She threw it at me and ordered me downstairs. "Now march, mister!" We made it downstairs where everyone was all packed and ready to go. "Load up!" Mom ordered. Everyone picked up their bags and walked outside to the bus. I'd always seen the bus sitting outside in the front, but I'd never been on it. Everyone walked around me to different seats. Then I remembered from Bomb Squad History they used to have a seating chart. I waited for everyone to get back in their old spots before I chose mine. "Choose wisely," Mom said over my shoulder. "Where you pick becomes your spot for life." Her voice dropped to a whisper, "Remember, Boss Man snores, Coco kicks, and Buzz Kill will probably use you as a makeup dummy."

I finally picked a pair of seats between Charles and Kissmy. Mom smiled and nodded in approval. Dad sat next to Mom. Then I noticed an empty seat across the isle from Mom and Dad. I racked my brain trying to remember whose seat it was. Since it wasn't Blake's, Jaason's, or Keegan's, I assumed it was Sylvan's. After Boss Man placed his things next to Coco's he slid into the driver's seat. "Good to be back," we all heard him say to himself. The roar of the engine brough a smile to everyone's face.

"I've been waiting so long to say these words again," Mom grinned. "Hit it, Boss Man!"

He smiled and drove out of the parking lot, starting our next adventure.

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