Giving Thanks

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Everyone was silent as Maxx had finally fallen asleep from crying. He used his best friend as a pillow. They all had gathered onto the bus to rest and began talking while Maxx was out.

"So, do you think it's because of some cruel joke or some incarnation thing?" Coco whispered to Joe.

"Honestly, if it's incarnation, my only theory is that our present selves are mirroring what happened to our past selves. I read some of their diaries. One of them committed suicide. Two of them got engaged and were about to start a family; Syl and I got engaged and had Maxxie. Another scientist lost his life in an "accidental" car accident," Joe stated, taking off her glasses to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"If it isn't, what you think it is? I'm starting to think irony is a bitch," Boss Man said, showing some anger. He knew Joe might be right for once with her crazy thinking.

They passed around a jug of hot tea and sat in silence. This was something they couldn't phase through. Why them? They were finishing out their eigth grade year; now they were in their twenties. Joe never expected to become a mother at an early age; she swore to never giving herself to anyone. Coco wanted to help the world by becoming a nurse, but now she was just a quick medic. Boss Man pictured himself as a physicist, not watching his friends die every day.

"I don't see why we have to pay," Coco announced, matching Boss Man's infuriation. "We didn't cause the apocalypse. We didn't do anything wrong. We just wanted to figure out what to do with our lives, but we got shoved into this slapstick shit. If I meet my past self, I'm going to kick her ass."

"What I don't understand is why Bryce and Gary had to die. They weren't even in the stinking picture!" Joe fumed.

"I had to watch my sister die twice, and she wasn't in the picture either!"

Boss Man sighed, "Maybe we're just cursed." They sat through another long pause.

"...Even if we are cursed," Coco stated somewhat hopefully, "we've had a pretty good run." Joe half smiled in return. "I mean, we've outlasted everyone from our hometown; we've killed the creator of the apocalypse; and we've raised a child to, almost, adulthood. I'd say we're not completely cursed."

Joe chuckled softly, "We've saved each other's asses time and time again."

"We've survived during our monthlies for over fifteen years."

"We've only had to kill one of our own twice," Boss Man added laughing as he nudged Coco.

"Well, one was nuts, and the other one was dead!" Coco defended herself, smiling. "What else have we done?"

"Travelled the country!" Joe chimed in. She quickly dropped her voice as to avoid waking her son.

"Whipped ourselves into shape on our own," Boss Man continued.

"Mastered health care," Joe gestured to Coco.

"Somewhat mastered driving."

"Hung out with some pretty sweet old dudes."

"Almost got married," said Boss Man, pointing to Joe.

"I got one hell of a family because of this." Coco stated.

The three adults yawned and decided to join the sleeping teenager. Boss Man and Coco snuggled close together, smiles on their faces as they fell asleep holding hands. Joe felt comfort and joy just sleeping next to her son. She would no longer hold him like a little boy, but he would forever be her pride and joy.

The next morning the group woke to the smell of coffee and warm bread. Maxx rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stretched. He got up from the seat and saw Boss Man with breakfast made for everyone. Of course, Fail Face was already scarfing down her food with a smile, if dogs could smile. As this went on, Joe smiled to herself as she realized that last night's feelings jam happened on the last Thursday of November.

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