Area 15, We Meet Again

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We finally arrived in Area 51 the day after Mamasita had died. It was really weird though. The sign said Area 15, not 51. Why is that?

We ate breakfast before heading off to search the building. We stopped in another store some point during the night. Aunt Coco didn't get off though. She just sat in her seat, staring out the window, waiting for Uncle Boss Man to get back so she could go to sleep, I guess.

The power didn't go out like it apparently did last time. Mom stayed up and read book after book to figure something out. It was an odd sight seeing Mom reading. She had her glasses off and was deep in thought.

Aunt Buzz Kill walked over to her and Mom whispered something into her ear. Buzz Kill had a shocked look on her face and said, "Are you sure?" Mom nodded in return. They both looked over at me, whispered some more things, then Buzz Kill went to another part of the room to search through some books and papers. Great, more secrets, I thought to myself, slightly annoyed.

I took this as an opportunity to read some more of the other Sylvan's diary entries. I picked up an old book and pretended to go through it. I slid the journal up and began reading.

Dear journal,

We've stopped at some flower garden in Georgia because Joe thought it was pretty. Everyone's kind of just gone off in their own direction. We've been here for awhile now. We're actually considering staying here.

We had to lock ourselves in a shed. The zombies found us again. What a shock. I looked at Joe, the number of zombies was overwhelming her. A huge feeling of emotion came over me. I ran up to Joe and pretty much blurted out, "Joe, promise me you will marry me if I come back?" She just stared at me and the ring I'd found a long time ago. Thankfully, she nodded and slipped it on her finger. I rushed her to the bus and left me and Loud Speaker still fighting.

I didn't even bother to read the rest of the passage. Smarty had asked my mom to marry him? Who did this guy think he was? Even if I wasn't born yet, he had no right to take my mom away from my dad...Then it hit me. There was no mention of my dad anywhere in Sylvan's journal so far. Then I remembered they didn't find my dad for awhile. I decided to skip ahead in the journal.

Dear journal,

We've just made it back into Argenta in hopes to rejog Joe's memory. I don't think I could live with the fact that my fiancée would never remember loving me. This place was zombie infested after we left. I hope it's not the same.

We've just found three more people who used to go to A-O too. Gary Rolofson, who now goes by Fire Muffin. Bryce Kohn, who now goes by Mad Dog. And Shelby Fryman, who now goes by Missy and is still as crazy as ever. I guess we've inducted them into Bomb Squad now.

I still hadn't found what I was looking for; I read on.

Dear journal,

I meant to write a few days ago that Missy and Bam Bam were conspiring against the girls and were going to kill them all, but we caught them and now they're dead.

Onto the more important stuff. I woke up this morning and Joe wasn't there. I got scared because I was afraid she might have wondered off and gotten lost or eaten. I went downstairs and Joe ran right into me. She explained to me that she and Mad Dog had come downstairs to get some coffee, but it looked like a little more to me. My temper got the best of me, and I pretty much yelled at Joe to stay away from him. She got defensive and yelled saying I couldn't tell her what to do. Then she grabbed Bryce and stormed off. Bryce looked back at me as if he'd won. It burned me to no end. I hate him.

I stopped again. I tried to process what I just read. So, my dad stole my mom from Sylvan? I was going to read more, but Aunt Coco walked up to me. I slammed the book shut with the journal still inside. She sat down beside me. "Why is it you've been staring at the same page for half an hour, but we hear the pages turn?" she said so only we could hear.

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