The End of the Beginning

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I woke up the next day on the bus with a huge ache in my back. Everyone else looked fine. Then I remembered how much I missed the floor. I did some stretches while the bus was in motion. I felt a little better afterwards, but I was still pretty sore. I walked up to Mom and Dad's seat. "So where are we stopping first?"

"Walmart, but it's in Mt. Zion," Mom answered. "I'd sit down, honey, Boss Man hasn't driven in awhile." As if on cue, the bus hit a large bump, and I was thrown into Sylvan's seat. Mom gasped, "Sylvan, are you okay?!" I looked up. Mom had hardly ever called me Sylvan. She only used my full name when I was in deep deep deep trouble. She still stared at me, waiting for a response.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm okay," I replied. I leaned back in the chair and felt something lumpy, like something was stuffed inside. "The hell..." I mumbled to myself. I reached inside and pulled out a notebook. I opened the cover and on the inside read This Journal Belongs To: Sylvan Gentry.

Suddenly, Mom's voice cut through my thoughts, "Maxxis Lee! Put that back!" I jumped as I shoved the journal back into it's original spot. Her voice calmed, but it still had its force, "Now go sit back down before you get hurt."

I walked back slowly just in time to hear Dad say, "We have to hide it from him before he reads it."

That just sparked my curiosity even farther. I decided I had to get that journal, but before I could decide on how to get it, we were at the Walmart. Mom stood before everyone, "Welcome to Walmart. Get your shit and get out!" Everyone laughed. Mom waited for the other to get off before approaching me. "You wanna go in, Maxxie?"

I tried to think of a worthy excuse to stay on the bus. I rubbed my back and eyes, "No, thanks, Mom. The bus ride was really hard on my back. I'm really tired. Can I sleep?"

"Oh, sure, honey. Do you want anything?"

"Some oreos, green Crush, and-"

"Ahem," Mom interrupted. She tapped her foot.

"Some baby carrots," I added with a smile.

"That's my boy," she grinned. She came up and kissed my forehead. Then she trailed off the bus with everyone else, which left me by myself. I waited until everyone was inside before I walked back up to the seat.

I pulled out the journal and tried to think of a plan to keep the journal without Mom or Dad knowing. Suddenly, I remembered I had a journal that looked about the same as Sylvan's. I ran back to my seat and retrieved my journal. I saw Boss Man starting to come out, so I quickly forged his handwriting and threw it in the seat. I dashed back into my seat and threw his journal in my bag to read later. I leaned my chair back, threw a blanket on myself, and shut my eyes.

Slowly everyone began to hop onto the bus. Each carrying many boxes full of food and supplies we needed. Mom sat down next to me and lightly shook me. "Maxxie, here," Mom said handing me a soda as I sat up.

"Thanks, mom," I faked a yawn. I stretched as I grabbed the can.

The bus ride was quiet until Mom spoke, "I think it's time we go on a little road trip, don't ya think? We've all been stuck at the school for years, and it's time we get some zombie killing practice in nowadays. So who's up for it? All we have to do is grab our guns and such from the school." She started out asking me, but towards the end she announced it to the bus. "Who's in favor of leaving?" Charles, Buzz Kill, Dad, and Mom raised their hands. "Those opposed?" Boss Man, Coco, Mamasita, and Kissmy (basically the "Bush Clan") raised their hands. "So we're split." She turned to me, "Maxxie, you're the tie breaker. Should we stay or should we go?"

I contemplated for a long time. Then I realized, this could be my chance to see the world. "Let's go."

Mom smiled as if that was the answer she was hoping for. "So let's go!" she ordered.

We'd just finished loading everything onto the bus. Coco seemed to have the hardest time dealing with the fact we were leaving again, but she walked onto the bus without a word. Buzz Kill and Charles seemed as if they couldn't get out of the building fast enough. But they both spent some time on the football field by themselves. Everyone else just packed up and left. I was actually the last one to leave. I took one last tour of the building I grew up in. I realized I was leaving it all behind to see what was left of the world. I smiled, Fail Face had come to retrieve me and take me to the bus.

I followed her down the steps and out the doors. She ran onto the bus and stuck her head out the window. Her tongue hanging out of her mouth; you could tell she was excited. I walked onto the bus and sat in my seat. Boss Man closed the doors and started the engine. After we left the parking lot, I found myself looking out the window to the city I'd gotten to know. It's all I'd ever known. But now I was on my way to see the rest of, what was, the United States. I wondered if there were other people left in other countries. I'd seen something called a globe in Mr. Man's room. It showed what the Earth looked like. I really wanted to go to someplace called Japan, but it was on the other side of the globe.

I wondered if maybe I'd find some people on our new journey. We had no idea where we were going, but I could tell for certain where we weren't going. But I noticed we were travelling west again, judging by the sun. The light streamed through the window and warmed my face. I could feel someone was watching over me, but who? Loud Speaker? Fire Muffin? Or maybe even Sylvan? I didn't know.

After night fell and I was sure Mom and Dad were asleep, I pulled out Sylvan's journal and read the first entry.

November 25, 2010

Something weird is going on at the school. Less kids have been showing up everyday. Some of my friends have even gone missing. I got so curious, I started watching the news. Apparently this is happening really bad in Florida. I wish I knew what was going on.

ZOMBIES! IT'S ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES ARE WHAT'S MAKING EVERYONE DISAPPEAR! I WAS IN BAND AND ONE TRIED TO BITE ME! I HAD TO TAKE OUT ITS HEAD WITH A BASS! I found Nicole Imel and some of the other 8th graders, but I didn't see anyone I was really close to. We've just stolen a charter bus and are on our way to Rebecca Bush's house.

Rebecca's family is dead. After she walked into her house, I heard gun shots and screaming. Steve and Nicole had to drag her out. I'm scared to see what's become of my house.

Nothing. That's what was in my house. With the exception of my stuff, my house was empty. My own grandparents had abandoned me. They left a note that said, Since we're pretty sure you're dead, you're grandfather and I are fleeing to the northeast. If you're not dead, then good luck. I swear if I ever see them again, I'm feeding them to the zombies.

Everyone else's family is gone too. All on the bus is me, Nicole, Rebecca, Ariel and her boyfriend Blake, Taylor Benton, Steve, James Osborne, Jaason, and some kid named Keegan. It's a scary thought, being stuck with these people for the rest of my life.

Is this the end?

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