The Last Kiss Goodbye

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The Bomb Squad had just pulled over into a rest stop. They'd been travelling for a few days and needed to rest. Everyone got off and did a search before they went inside. Joe and Mad Dog took the left, and Charles and Buzz Kill took the right.

"Clear!" shouted Joe.

"Clear over here too!" Buzz Kill yelled back.

One by one they entered the rest stop. Some to use the restroom, and others to relax in the air conditioning. Maxx took out a small bowl and filled it with water from a water bottle and placed it on the floor for his four legged friend. Fail Face lapped up the water as everyone was looking at a map on the wall.

"Hmm, if we take this route, we sould be in Utah soon. Then straight to Nevada," said Boss Man.

"Ah, thank imaginary God! The sooner we get there, the more we can explore this time!" said Joe. She flashed back thirteen years ago while she was still pregnant with Maxxis.

Maxxis joined them. "So where are we?"

"Missouri," the Bomb Squad replied in unison.

"Or misery as I like to call it," Coco complained. Mamasita agreed.

"So why are we heading to Nevada?" Maxxis asked.

"We stopped in Area 51, a secret government facility, for a brief time before you were born. We explored it until we were stuck in a power out. After we got out, we continued to Las Vegas. We were going to go back and check the whole place out, but never got around to it," Joe explained.

"How did you find it?"

"Boss Man's dad used to work there. Guess he had a sixth sense about it, eh, James?" Joe joked.

"After we rest up today, we should be there in a day or two," Boss Man explained, ignoring Joe's comment. The group dispersed to go do their own things. Maxxis looked around the rest area. The map on the wall was so stained in blood, he was surprised the others could read it without any problem. The wall opposite the map had license plates from every state. Most of them were from Missouri, but he took enjoyment in looking at the pictures they each had.

Fail Face laid on Maxxis' feet and looked up at him with sad eyes. He bent over to pet her, "What's the matter, girl?" She got up, barked, and ran out the door. "Fail Face, wait up!" Maxxis called as he darted after her. He left the rest building and followed the dog out the back. The place was covered in trees and tall grass and a few bodies. She eventually out-ran him. He was left to follow the sound of her barks to find her. Minutes later, Fail Face was whining/barking while running in the other direction. She flew past Maxxis and urged him to follow her back.

Maxx turned around to see what had her so spooked when he saw a gigantic zombie horde coming towards him. Without a thought, he spun on his heel and ran back to warn the others. Luckily, the dog had gotten there first, and the Bomb Squad ran past Maxx with loaded weapons up to their necks, but Maxx continued running to the bus to get weapons of his own.

The Bomb Squad was thrown into survival mode. They wasted no bullets, every swing was timed perfectly, and every kick was successful. Buzz Kill and Charles looked around for their back-up partners, but remembered they were deceased, so they gave each other a quick glance and fought together. Joe and Mad Dog were on constant alert as they waited for Maxxis to return. Mamasita's more primitive instincts kicked in as she defended Kissmy, the weaker one. Boss Man acted as Coco's second pair of eyes, telling her when a zombie was coming into her blind spot, her left side.

Finally, Maxxis returned with his umbrella along with Loud Speaker's old shotgun. He joined his parents' circle of defense and watched their backs while they watched his. "Coco, how does this compare to Georgia?!" Joe called over the zombies' moans.

"More like, 'How does Georgia compare to this?!'" she replied as she ran up Boss Man's back, flipped backwards, and stabbed the zombie about to dine on his neck.

On the other side of the battlefield, Kissmy had run out of bullets and was relying on grenades. He pulled the pin on the grenade and threw it, but he never saw it land. He frantically looked for it in the air, but didn't see it. His eyes ran down his arm and saw the grenade was stuck to his hand. He shook his hand and tried flinging it into a nearby cluster of undead, but he realized that it was a sticky-grenade. He knew he wouldn't get it off in time. He looked back to Mamasita and Coco, who had their own problems, so he did the only thing he could think off.

He ran into the largest group that wasn't near his friends. At the top of his lungs, he yelled, "KAMIKAZE!" Seconds later, there was an explosion followed by a shower of fresh flesh and blood. Everyone, Bomb Squad and zombie, stopped and looked around, but only for a quick second before the zombies started attacking again. No one was sure what caused the expolsion, but they kept fighting until all the zombies were killed again.

Joe sighed with relief, "Everyone okay?" She did a quick head-count. She scrunched her eyebrows as she only counted eight.

"Thomas," Coco whispered. "Where's Thomas?" she asked more loudly. She searched around the whole battlefield and even on the bus. "I can't find him! Thomas!" She ran around the whole rest area calling his name. The others joined in the search, but no one could find him anywhere. Maxxis sadly walked over to his godmother, who was sitting on a bench crying into Boss Man's chest, and held his hand out. It was the pin of the grenade that killed him. Coco gingerly took it out of his hand and held it to her chest and cried out, "Why Thomas?" over and over.

They made a head stone for him out of license plates, one for his grave, one for the Bomb Squad to take with them. Boss Man said a prayer for him and promised they'd always think of him. Buzz Kill offered to drive the next day so Boss Man could consol Coco. Mamasita preferred the company of Mad Dog. Joe sat with Maxxis and let him cry himself to sleep. Charles sat at the front of the bus and talked to Buzz Kill about how were they going to get over Kissmy's death. Coco hung the license plate head stone over her and Boss Man's seat, and put the pin of the grenade that killed her brother on a chain and wore it everyday from that day forth. And everyday she lived, she got up and kissed the head stone goodbye.

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