Bruised Arms and a Bruised Ego

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Dinner was insanely awkward the day (well, technically three days for me) after the fight in PT. Everyone except Mom and Dad congratulated me on beating Mom, but my parents remained silent. Coco elbowed my dad. "Aren't you going to say 'good job' to your son?"

Dad mumbled, "Good job, Maxx," but his face stared down at his plate.

I was really upset at this point. It was like my own parents had disowned me or something. "How's your ankle, honey?" Mom finally spoke to me.

"I could walk on it, but Coco told me not to. So I'm fine, I guess. Are you okay, Mom?"

She looked down at her forearms, which had blue and purple bruises everywhere. "My arms could be better, but I at least caught you. That's what's important." Everyone continued eating until it was just Mom, Dad, and I left. I looked up and caught them staring at me.

"Okay, I gotta ask. What the heck's wrong with you guys? Dad barely took his eyes of you during the match, and you've barely spoken a word to me. What gives?" I asked Mom.

"Your mom's just a little upset because she thought she was going to lose you," Dad answered.

"So how does that excuse you, Dad? It's obvious you were rooting for Mom during the match. You applauded her when she hit my hand and almost killed me!" I started raising my voice. "What was with you being such a jerk?! And another thing, who is Sylvan Gentry?!"

Mom and Dad both gasped. "How do you know about him?" Dad accused.

"Does it matter? Who is he? Why are you making such a big deal about him?"

"Maxxis, go to your room right now," Dad ordered.

"No, Bryce, go to your room," Mom stepped in.

"Say what now?" Dad and I asked in unison.

"You heard me. Bryce, leave me and Maxxis to talk. I'll handle him." Then Dad calmly left the room and went up the stairs.

"Mom, what's going on? What's wrong with Dad?" She gestured for me to sit down.

"Dad was watching me the whole time because he had a bet running with your Uncle Kissmy about who would win. I already know what you're thinking, dick move. And you'd be right, but it wasn't because he doesn't love you. He was upset today because he'd lost the bet, and he was just trying to make me feel better."

"So how are you doing now? Honestly," I asked caringly.

"I have bruised arms and a bruised ego, but I'm glad you're okay. You beat me, plain and simple."

"Why did they pick you to fight me after Coach died?"

She sighed, "They wanted the next best fighter."

"But I thought Coco was the next best?"

"No, that's only when she's mad, and she could never hurt you. Neither could I."

I looked at my, also bruised, body and scoffed, "Yeah, because these don't hurt!"

"Hey, that was me going easy on you!"

I smiled, "Thanks, Mom." She kissed the top of my head. "So, who is Sylvan Gentry?"

Mom sighed, "You're not ready to hear who he is yet. I'll tell you soon, I promise."

We started walking upstairs to our rooms. I thought about the fight. It felt like just a few hours to me, but it was three days of agonizing pain for my mom. I thought about everything I did in the round. Then I remembered the bits of the fight that went in slow motion. I scrunched my eyebrows as I wondered why my brain was functioning like that. I looked over at Mom, "Hey, Mom, during the fight, something was going on inside my head."

"What, Maxxie?"

"It was really weird. Some points in the fight, everything would just stop and go in slow motion. Why is that? Can you do that?"

Mom thought about it for awhile, but she eventually shook her head. "No, I don't I ever have done something like that." I nodded and we continued walking. However, she kept thinking. "But," she continued, "I think your dad used to be able to do something like that. No wonder your movements were so fast."

"Dad could see in slow motion?" I asked.

She shrugged, "At least, I thought he could. He never really said anything about it. Neither did Mad D-" She stopped herself. I tilted my head to side in confusion. I was going to ask what she meant, but she told me to go to my room and prepare myself.

First of all, why would she talk about Dad and then use his code name in the same sentence? Did she mess her words up? Did I hear it wrong? And secondly, prepare myself for what? The huge fight was already over. What is she talking about? Seriously, Mom's not making any sense lately.

I sighed and gave up on trying to figure out what she meant, once again. I flopped onto my bed and whistled for Fail Face. I started telling her everything about Mom that was unusual. I started asking Fail Face what she thought, but then dismissed the idea, remembering that I was talking to a dog. I said good night to her and we fell asleep, preparing ourselves, I guess, for the next day.

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