Running of the Horde

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Is this the end? Joe asked herself, Are we all going to die now? After all our hard work? The thought of losing Maxx, unbearable. He was her only reason of living now.

Joe's thoughts were interrupted by the bus screeching to a hault.

"What's going on ?" Maxx asked Boss Man, who was driving.

"Figured we'd need to stock up a bit. We've been on the road for a while," he said. "Plus, I'm exhausted from driving."

"Alright then, just drive until you find another store. Then we can take a break. I'm stiff as a board," Joe said, stretching in her seat.

"You can say that again!" Buzz Kill yawned a few seats away.

"Why do you think I stopped?" Boss Man asked, opening the doors. The remainder of the Bomb Squad filed off the bus one by one. All that was left now was Joe, Coco, Buzz Kill, Mamasita, Mad Dog, Boss Man, Maxxis, and Fail Face.

"You know what I realized the other day?" Coco stated.

"What?" the others asked.

"Charles was the first girl in our group to die."

"Rebecca!" Mamasita scolded.

"But what about Missy?" Buzz Kill objected.

Coco arched an eyebrow. "Really? You're going to count that psychopath?"

"Good point, but still. Charles was the first girl we cared about that died," she corrected.

Maxxis asked, "Who was the first boy?"

"Keegan," Joe, Coco, Buzz Kill, and Boss Man answered. Mamasita and Mad Dog looked at each other then shrugged and continued walking.

Maxxis looked back at the bus. "You sure it's okay to leave the bus just sitting there unlocked?" he asked Boss Man.

He looked back and replied, "Meh, no one's going to steal it."

They entered the store and Boss Man left for the bedroom section to fall asleep. Buzz Kill, Coco, and Mamasita went to the food section to see what they could find that wasn't expired. Joe, Mad Dog, and Maxxis were the only ones left. They decided they would take the opportunity to go look for some new clothes since the ones they were wearing were soaked in blood.

Everyone was split up, so they were all required to wear walkie-talkies. Boss Man had his on full volume since he was going to be asleep. He didn't often dream, but since he was actually getting quality sleep, his brain started imagining things. Most of it was him killing zombies, but the dreams started shifting to the Bomb Squad itself. He pictured everyone with families. Smarty, Loud Speaker, Fire Muffin, Kissmy, and Charles were still alive. Everyone had kids, with the exception of Kissmy, and was happy. He saw Maxxis playing with Loud Speaker and Buzz Kill's baby son. Fire Muffin and Charles's twins were taking a nap together. On the other side of the room was his and Coco's daughter playing with her cousin, Mamasita and Mad Dog's daughter, with Kissmy watching over them. Boss Man would never realize it, but he was smiling in his sleep.

Joe was constantly in and out of the dressing room. Every time she would come out, she'd have Mad Dog review her outfit. "What about this one?" she'd say. "How about this? Is this my color? Or is the other one better?" And every time Mad Dog's replies would be, "You look fine. I don't care. Pick whatever you want." Maxxis only came out a few times, and that was to see what his mom thought, or go get a different size. Mad Dog pointed out to Joe that Maxxis already had a full suitcase, while she had dozens of tops and only a few pairs of pants. Her response was, "Well, jeans are more durable than shirts. Everyone knows that!" After having the last word in the matter, she closed the door to the dressing room.

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