The First Kill

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I nervously walked outside with my family. They had told me just a half hour ago that I was going out to kill my first zombie. My parents were on both my sides, supporting me. "Don't be nervous, sweetie. You'll do fine. Just remember what Coach and Mr. Man taught you. Aim for the head, and use everything around you to your advantage," Mom encouraged.

"You'll be fine, hopefully you inherit your dad's power. You sure as hell inherited his running capabilities," Dad commented.

I looked up at him, "But, Dad, you're the fastest of us all."

Mom elbowed him. "Just concentrate and you'll be fine."

Then Coco walked in front of me while going backwards. "However, on the off-chance you get bitten, I'm going to have to amputate. So if you get too close, we'll jump in."

"Not helping, Patchy!" Mom scolded.

"Just telling him the truth!" she argued.

Mr. Man pulled her back to his side and continued walking. After another fifteen minutes of walking, we found a zombie just beyond the football field. "There it is, son. Remember to sneak up on it as fast as you can before it smells you." Mom pointed it out to me.

I'll never forget how it looked. It was a male. He had stringy, grey hair. His eyes were the same color as his hair, though it was hard to tell because his eyes were so dialated. His skin was wrinkley and a brownish color, but he had the bone structure of a caucasion. His clothes were stained brown and dark red with blood. He was wearing a tan blazer with a white shirt underneath. He had on khakis with a hole in the right knee. I could clearly see his knee bone. From what I saw, he had no shoes on. His toenails were disgusting. The nails themselves were yellow with black gunk coated underneath. I had to keep myself from throwing up by focusing on the fact that he'd found us and was coming towards us.

"Okay, this is it. Go get him, honey." I nodded. I started walking towards him, only armed with my bare hands. "We believe in you, Maxxie!"

I sighed and quietly surrounded the area, nothing but a pile of junk sat in the open. I snuck quietly past the zombie, but it smelled me as the wind blew. It walked towards me in a fast manner; I quickly ran to the pile of junk.The zombie was gainning on me, but I had the advantage of being able to see because of the football field lights. I made it to the pile and dug around untill I found an old umbrella, the kind with the sharp point on top.

"Why did your son pick the umbrella?!" I heard my dad complain.

"Oh, since he picks a not-so-common weapon he's my son?!" Mom snapped.

The zombie came near me and I thrust the umbrella into the zombie and pulled it out of the zombie's chest. I was absolutely terrified of the dead body on the ground. My mom rushed to me and pulled out her gun to shoot the zombie in the head for safe measures. She hugged me and kept saying how proud she was. She walked me to the group, but for some reason I didnt let go of the old umbrella. Everyone pat me on the back and told me I did a good job, but I felt...odd, like I'd done this before, somehow.

We went home, and all my teachers told me I had the day off. I spent my day wondering around, but  clutching the umbrella the whole time. Why can't I let this thing go? I thought to myself as I looked down at my new weapon. Why do I feel like I've done this before? I continued to walk around unitl dinner time. We all sat at the table while everyone talked about my amazing achievement, but it didn't feel like an achievement. It felt...average. "Makes you want to go out and kill another one, doesn't it?" Mom laughed.

"No, not really," I replied honestly. Everyone stopped talking and stared at me.

"What do you mean, Maxxie?"

"It feels like I've done this before. Killed a zombie, I mean. It doesn't feel like it was my first kill. That's all," I answered as I poked my vegetables with a fork.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" Coco asked me as she felt my forehead. "You don't feel warm. Do you feel sick?"

"No, I'm just tired." I got up and left. "I'm going to bed," I called from the stairs. I flopped onto my mattress and quickly fell asleep. I dreamt of me killing the zombie over and over until it wasn't me killing the zombie anymore. It was an adult that looked just like me. I figured it was me, but something was off about him. I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I should know who he is. The feeling carried throughout the dream and until I woke up. It took me a bit to wake up, but I finally woke up with something wet on my face. I rubbed my eyes until I could see clearly. And standing, right above my face, was a dog, panting happily.

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