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~Abby POV~
I woke up to someone shaking me. I felt dizzy as hell an I couldn't feel my legs.

"Get up"! I heard Grif say. I opened my eye to see him in his armor and I immediately just glared at him. He glared back.

"C'mon. Today is a day where your team either surrenders or you die" he stated. Great.

He untied my feet and my hands from the chair. But my hands were still tied behind my back. He grabbed me an pulled me up and I just fell down again. I couldn't feel my legs. I couldn't walk. Should go away.

"What the hell?! Just stand up"! He yelled. I glared at him again filled with rage and hate.

"If you haven't noticed I haven't walked In about 3 days smart ass. I can't feel my legs" I stated while trying to get up but I couldn't really because my hands.

"Ugh for the live if god" he mumbled before grabbing my arm as he helped me up. I finally was able to stand by I kinda wobbled because of my lack if walking.

We walked out if the room and a bright light shined in my face. I squinted my eye to shield my eye from the harsh light. My eye finally adjusted tithe light and we walked into a kitchen. I smells food and my mouth immediately watered. I hadn't eaten in about 2 days except the soup that Donut had given me my first night here.

"Ride and shine blue. Today. We get our revenge"! Sarge shouted for no apparent reason. He's such an idiot.

"You must be hungry"! Donut said while flipping a pancake. My eyes widened in surprise. Why would they be feeding me?

"No thanks" I said while having a glare contest with Grif.

~Time skip. After breakfast~

I still didn't have food although my stomach begged but I he'll strong. I will not look weak in the eyes if my enemy's. Me and Donut and Simmons are in pretty good terms. Their actually nice.

Donut pulled me torwards him and he put my helmet on. I heard the straps strap shut and my helmet activated. We walked outside and we walked with me in the front if Sarge. Him using me as a body shield. How nice.

"Blues! We've got someone for ya"!! Sarge shouted at the blue base.

What I didn't know was what Sarge had in mind.

~Tucker POV~
"BLUES! WEVE GOT SOMEONE FOR YA"!! I heard Sarges voice tell.

I rushed and put my armor on and I just pulled my helmet when I was met with Church and Caboose running outside with me. We and t outside to see the reds and Colorado I front of Sarge.

'Wow. He's kinda short' I thought.

"Hey blues! Have you thought of my offer"? Sarge said while putting a grip on Colorado's shoulder.

"Yes! And we are NOT surrendering! Just give us back out guy"! Church yelled while holding the sniper rifle.

"Really?! That's your plan"?! I yelled at him.

"And how come I never get the fucking sniper rifle"?! I yelled. I could just tell he rolled his eyes under helmet.

"Don't sound so sure. You know something about Colorado"? Sarge asked.

"Um. We've heard he's one of the most badass people! And he's one OUR team"! Churches yelled.

Where were they going with this?

"Oh. I know there's something else. It's kinda hard to explain. But I think I'll just show you" Sarge explained before pushing down on Colorado's shoulder painfully and that made him painfully go down on us knees. Sarge started to undo his Elmer and ripped it off of him.

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