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~Sarge POV~
I had just knocked the dirty blue out. I out him on my shoulder because he was really light. He didn't weigh much.

I ran down to the warthog and I just tossed the blue in the back where Simmons kept him still. I then decided to blast the music as high as I could.

~Church POV~
I was in my room resting. Tucker has gotten on my nerves ever since Colorado came. Then I heard... mariachi music?

Oh no.

I grabbed my armor and strapped everything on. I ran out if my room followed by Tucker and finally Caboose. I ran outside just putting I my helmet and I saw the red team with Colorado laying down in the back unconscious.

"We have your rookie! This is a chance to surrender. Or the rookie gets it" Sarge said.

"I don't even know the rookie! He just got here like an hour ago!!!! Now give him back"!!!! I yelled getting more pissed than I already was.

"I'll give you 3 days to think about this"! Sarge said before speeding off with Colorado.

"Dammit"! I yelled to no one in particular.

"What's wrong"? Caboose asked anonymous to this situation.

I slowly looked at him knowing he would get a word out of what I had to say. I just stormed off. In always pissed but now the reds have out guy! And he's a pretty trained awesome person from what I've heard! We need him as much as it pains me to say.

I just went to my room to think about this. I mean.

What could go wrong?

~Sarge POV~
We got back to our base and Simmons arrows the blue inside to a room and tied him to a chair. He was about to take off his helmet until I stopped him.

"Why don't you want me to take off his helmet sir"? Simmons asked me.

"Because Simmons. I want to. When he wakes up so I can place fear in the heart of my enemy! The nasty blue"! I said.

"Yes sir"! Simmons said. Good boy.

"Simmons! Get his weapons! So he can't get away"!

"Yes sir"! He said before collecting his pistol and a knife that was hidden in his leg.

We'll now we just wait for him to wake up. Then we get info out of him.

One way or another.

~Abby POV~
I woke up with my head killing me. I opened my eye to revel I was in my helmet but then I realized what had happened. I quickly tried to et up but my hands were tied behind my back. I started to panic.

Ok Abby. Stay calm. Stay calm. Ok. There we go.

I looked at my surroundings. I was in a room that had nothing in it. It was poorly lit so I could barely see anything. I could see a faint light shine from under the door. That was the only thing that lit anything. Then I heard voices.

"Grif! Get yet lazy ass in there and interim hate him"! I heard a southern voice say.

"Fine" I heard I think was 'grif'. I tried to get out if the bindings it try were too strong as we'll knotted. He came in while I was trying to get out.

"Those knots are knotted for a reason. We don't want you getting out" he said. I stayed quiet wanting to know how far they would go to make me scared but lucky for me I don't scare easily.

"So. Your the new recruit. Blue. What's your name"? He asked coming into my sight. He stood I front of me. Orange armor. About 5'8.

I still said nothing.

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