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~Simmons POV~
"SIR! THERES A SHIP OUT HERE"! I screamed to Sarge. He came running outside. I'm outside the base on patrol but I see a ship close by that just landed.

"What in the Sam hell did I hear about a ship Simmons"?! He asked running out to me. I pointed to a ship that just crashed in the middle of the canyon an I could see church standing near it.

"We'll lets go get it before them dirty blues"! Sarge said.

"Yes sir"! I said following him and being followed by Grif and Donut.

"What do you fuckers want"? Church groaned when we went up to him.

"Our ship I call it" Sarge said.

"What?! No! It's my ship"! Church defended.

~Abby POV~
"Haha"!!! I laughed as Caboose was helping me make cookies but he somehow cracked an egg on his head. Dot ask me. I have no idea what happened but I'm just laughing.

"Sorry friend Colorado... I made a mess..." He said like he had been scolded. I smiled softly.

"Hey Caboose. It's fine. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm still just trying to figure out how you broke an egg on your head"! I said while almost laughing again. His head was dripping with slimy, gooey egg. I got a wet wash towel and started I clean his face.

"What the hell happened here"??? I heard a voice from behind me.

"Caboose somehow got an egg on his head..." I explained to Tucker who was standing a few feet behind me. I finished getting it out of his hair but there was still crap in it.

"Ok Caboose. I'll finish the cookies. You can go take a shower to get the egg out of your hair" I said while wiping the counter off.

"Ok friend Colorado"! He said before running off to take a shower.

Tucker was eyeing the batch of cookie dough we had made.

I slapped his hand that was slowly reaching towards the unmade cookies.

"Hey! I just want one" he defended.

"Fine" I said while putting a bowl in the sink and starting to wash it out.

"Why have you been avoiding me"? He asked after about 2 minutes of awkward silence.

"I haven't been avoiding you..." I said while still not facing him.

"Yes you have. Always when I say hi you just wave. When I walk by you don't even give me a glance. Is it about what happened a few weeks ago"? He asked while I blushed.

The stupid bra incident I swear to god.

"I don't know..." I said while putting the cookies in the oven to bake. I took off the oven mitts and I put then in the drawer to be used again later.

"Look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that" he said with a little shame in his voice.

"Don't forget what happened at the party..." I reminded him. I looked at him and I could tell he was holding back a smirk.

"Ok yes. I'm sorry about that too..." He said.

"Ok I forgive you" I said while sitting on the counter and taking a piece of cookie dough he had snuck as we'll and plopped it inside my mouth. He glared at me but soon smiled.

"COLORADO AND TUCKER GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE"! We both heard Church yell from outside. Then literally right after the cookie timer went off. I hurried and took them out and ran to my room and put my armor on and running outside with Tucker seeing a ship and the reds and Sheila.

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