A new start

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~Abby POV~
So it's been almost 4 months and I've been able to train lately. I've gotten out of shape but I got back in shape! I can't see out of my left eye at all. I've looked at it in the mirror. Is a huge scratch going through my eye. It will probably never heal. Right now I'm packing. I don't want to leave by I have to. Their recruiting me to a place called Blood Gulch? I don't know. I just don't want to leave my friends.

I'm finishing up. I'm leaving today and I haven't seen Maine all day and I want to say goodbye. It's sad. My first real family since..... That and now I'm leaving. They say it's to keep me safe but I thinks it's because they don't want a kid. I finished packing but I kept one sketch book that I had gotten from Wyoming. The thing is packed with drawings and sketches of my friends. Everybody even Carolina and Tex. Speaking of Tex. I haven't really seen her either. This sketch book I wrote in the front 'For Maine' and I wrote him a small paragraph on how thankful I was on having him as a friend. I grabbed my bag and the book and I put my armor on. I put on my helmet too. I slung the bag over my shoulder and I held the book close.

I took one last glance at our room. So many memories. Me, and Maine meeting the first time. Us coloring together. Us joking. Us being best friends. Us being..... A.... Family.

I walked through the metal halls on my way to the place where the Pelicans are and where my friends are suppose to be waiting for me. I used my ID card and the door opened. I saw a pelican on and Wyoming, North, Wash and Maine and South and Director.

I walked up to them and Maine just engulfed me in a hug. He had his helmet off. I took mine off. I handed him the sketch book.

"I want you to have this. It's to remember me" I said. My eyes were starting to water. He just looked at the cover that had taken me a long time to draw. A wolf that had a calm side and then a fury side. He looked up from it and he started to tear up too. He just hugged me. I hugged back.

"I'm going to miss you all" I said smiling. I hugged Wash and Wyoming as North and even South.

"Oh how I will miss your jokes Colorado" Wyoming said. I smiled. "And I'll miss yours too" I said.

"Try not to start any trouble" North said. I smiled at that. "I would NEVER dream of it"! I said happily.

"Take care of yourself Colorado. It's been the best few months with you here" Wash said. I smiled at him.

"Are you ready Agent"? Director said.

"Yes sir. It's been an honor serving in this project sir" I said saluting him. He nodded in agreement.

I looked back at Maine who was clutching the book I had given him. He looked at me and sent me a warm smile. Something rare of Maine. But very valuable. I sent a wink his way and he smiled. I put on my helmet and got my stuff. Then a guard who is to guide me to the base came out.

"Hello Agent Colorado. I'm here to escort you to Blood Gulch Alpha Post Number 1. My name is Zach" he said reaching a hand towards me. I took it and just decided to be quiet. I wasn't in the mood for talking.

We walked up the steps to the pelican ad I looked back one last time. My first home. And it's gone. Yet again.

I looked back I front of me and I sat down in one if the seats and I just kept to myself. Zach tried to get me to talk. He even asked me if I was a mute. I shook my head. Then he just asked if I just didn't want to talk and I nodded at that. I soon fell asleep inside my helmet.

Thinking about my family as my new team.

~Maine POV~
It pains me to see her leave. I'm still clutching the book to my chest. She was really my only friend besides Wash. I'll miss her with all of my heart.

You're my family (UNDER MAJOR EDITING IN NEW BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now