Mini Flags

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~Caboose POV~
I think we need more flags! But I don't know where to get them. Oh!

I will borrow some socks from Colorado and put them on forks! I think that is how you make a flag.


"Sneaking. Sneaking. Sneaking" I'm saying to myself because I'm really sneaky.

I open Colorado's door and I see her sleeping on the bed not facing me. I go over to her dresser and I take all her socks but I leave some for her because he feet may get cold and I don't want her feet cold!

But as I'm getting socks I pick up a weird thing. It's looks like...


Oh this is cool! I can use this sling shot to sling mini flags at Tucker because I don't like him! I saw a few more double barreled sling shots an I quietly closed her door and went to the kitchen and I put forks in them! I put a double barreled sling shot in Tucker's door and that guy... Felix? I don't know. WE CAN HAVE A COMPETITION! AND I WILL WIN!!!!

Colorado will be proud!

~Abby POV~
I woke up groggily and I opened my eyes looking at the clock. 8:13. Guys should be getting up soon. I put my glasses on and got up and stretched. I went over to my dresser to get some socks but...

Their all missing. Except one pair.

What the hell?

I looked around and I noticed...

Why the hell are my bras missing?

I swear to god if Tucker had anything to do with this...

I walked out of my room and walking to the kitchen I see Tex looking around at... my socks on forks?

"Why the hell are my socks on forks? And why do they have..." I grabbed one and read it out loud "FORKLORD written on them"?!

Tex just shrugged and went to her own room. Then Caboose came out. And he was holding... one if my bras. And my face just went tomato red.

"CABOOSE! Why the hell are you holding that"?! I yelled. He looked hurt.

"Ok I'm sorry. Just. Give that to me"! I said as I took it from him.

"I thought we needed more flags... so I went into your room and I made flags out of your socks and forks. And I wrote FORKLORD on them. And I found all these awesome double barreled sling shots"! He said excitedly.

"Caboose! You never touch these! Ever again"!!! I said sternly. He looked down.

"I'm sorry friend Colorado..." He said sadly. Now I feel like a piece of shit.

"I'm sorry caboose. Just don't EVER get these out again..." I said while starting to walk back to my room. But I heard footsteps from the hall. Then Tucker and Felix appeared. But Tucker was holding a smug face and Felix had the faintest blush on his face I could barley see it.

Tucker walked up to me and I hid my bra behind my back hoping he hadn't seen it. He was right in front of me and held a smug smile and smirk. And I have to admit... it looked kinda hot...


He was holding something behind his back. He slowly lifted it into the air until it was right in my face.

My black bra.

My eyes widened and my face was redder than a fucking tomato. I couldn't do anything in the embarrassment. He simply smirked.

"I love the new decorations..." He whispered huskily Into my ear. I blushed even more and i snatched the bra from him as I ran off to my room in anger and embarrassment.

But before I could close my door he held up another one. I ran to him, snatched it out of his grip and ran to my room and locked my door.


I was holding back tears of embarrassment. I know Caboose probably didn't mean it but seriously.

I heard a knock at my door.

"Colorado? Look I'm sorry..." It was Tucker.

"Go away" I said while just laying on my bed with my face in the pillow.

"Colorado I'm sorry..." He said through the door.

"I don't want to talk to you"! I yelled angrily. If I see his face again I might just fucking die from embarrassment.

~Tucker POV~
"GO THE FUCK AWAY"! She screamed from inside her room. I sighed.

I knocked again.

"Come on Colorado... please"? I asked trying to get her to open the door.

"GO AWAY"!!!!!! She screamed angrily again.

"Look I'm sorry! How many times do I have to say it"?! I said starting to get mad. I mean seriously! I was only joking.

"I DONT GIVE A SHIT NOW LEAVE ME ALONE"!!! She yelled again.

I sighed and just left and went to my own room. Come on. I was only kidding.

Playing around. That's all I was doing. Why can't she just forgive me?

I woke up to a knock at my door. I groaned and got up and opened it to revel Tex.

Yes we all know she's a girl. Me definitely.

"You shouldn't have done that..." She said while having a displeased face.

"What"? I said. I'm tired. I'm not getting anything right now.

"That thing with Colorado. She's just a kid. You don't joke like that especially with a kid. A teenager at that" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"I was just joking" I defended. She crossed her arms.

"I don't care. Don't do it again. Or else..." She said as she walked off to her own room. I rolled my eyes.


I yawned and stretched again and went to the kitchen for something to eat. I smelled something Who the hell cooks here?!

I walked into the kitchen to see Donut in no armor wearing a pink shirt with tan pants and cooking chicken. Chicken?! I didn't know we had chicken!!

"Uh... What the hell happened here"?? I asked grasping his attention.

"We'll we have to eat"! He said excitedly.

"Whatever..." I mumbles as I got a handful if chips.

"So I'm thinking we should throw Colorado a birthday party! That should lighten her mood"! He said while facing me letting the chicken cook.

"Ok... how does this involve me? I'm pretty sure she hates everyone except you, Simmons and caboose..." I asked.

"We'll your going to help. And bring a present"! He said sternly. "She's wen down since that Maine guy..." He said while turning back around and working on the chicken.

I smirked to myself. Colorado and a birthday gift.

What should I get her?

Hello my beautiful people! Me and CoyoteDragon came up with this idea for a chapter. And also the next chapter. Hehehe....

I've got some stuff planned....

Please post y'all's opinions on the chapter! Hope y'all are enjoying it!!

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