Chapter 3

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****Caleb POV****

"Open and find out," I got up and unlocked the door then opened it. Caleb planted a kiss on my lips gently and said a soft, "I love you, Joey."


Joey just smiled not replying to say I am lying or to fight the already won war between us. I love him and I need him to know that deep inside touching his heart. I feel the fireworks exploding in my my heart. I think he loves me too. I mean I know I said a few days but we are probably going to act like an item anyway. So why not just make it official. I know he wants to, I thought while keeping him in a close hug.  My thoughts swam around me like it was nothing to be rattled. As if the sea had been split and no longer could I be confused about the path.


But do I want him? Do I really want him to my forever and always? I can't worry about this right now considering I have a party to plan today. I could have a Caleb and Joey day. I can't help but think about what happened at the party. I love Joey but that girl ruined his party experience. Joey went to my bed in my room and laid down. I told him I would leave for a little bit. To be honest I was leaving to meet up with Maria Evans. She was and is my slutty friend that lives next door. We hooked up a couple times, but it meant nothing. She knew I didn't date girls but hey why not? I knocked on Maria's door and she answered quickly with a peck on my lips. I smiled feeling special.


"So we meet again, love?"


"Maria there is this guy, Joey. You know him right?"


"I am guessing you didn't come here to have sex with me? Anyway yes I know of that new kid. Rumour has it you two are a thing," She paused, "If you are I don't want you here. I can't let you ruin your relationship having s-" I kissed her interrupting her.


"We aren't together, Maria relax. Calm yourself," I chuckled, "Can I come in before you announce to the whole neighborhood that we hooked up only a billion times."


"Yes you may," She said opening the door more letting me in.


"Thanks my lady," I kissed her cheek and walked in going to her room, "Parents?"


"Business trip and don't call me my lady it sounds old timey."


"You could call me my dear sir."


"You goof go to my room...I wanna cuddle. My dear sir," She mumbled the last part but I heard her still.


"Yes, my lady?" I laughed going to her room and sitting on her bed.


"I am going to punch you," Maria said sounding annoyed.


"Rough sex it is," I smirked getting up and pulling her close to me.


"What about your poor Joey. I know he is at your place Caleb," She crossed her arms pouting, "He got to go to the party and not me, my love. And now you're going to have to deal with just cuddling no sex. Besides your gay so it won't be that bad."

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