Chapter 28

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****Maria POV****

I woke up at the old house. I remember everything from last night having to do with what happened. I rolled out of bed to Chelsea. She was still sleeping and I would be too but I feel simi-rested. And wanted to actually eat a good breakfast instead of worry whether Chelsea is ok or not. I walked down to see Mark sipping on his coffee as he looked up to see me. I smiled at him and got a banana. I took a bit and sat next to him.


“Still don’t eat a full breakfast?” He questioned attempting to make conversation.


“When you're called fat for so long it takes a toll. But I am working on it. I have to anyway Kian doesn’t let me get away with just a banana,” I smiled knowingly.


“So you and Kian are-”


“Sorry I have to answer this hold on for a second,” I said answering my phone, “Hey Kian!”


“Where the hell are you and Chelsea?!?! I swear if Mark-”


Interrupting Kian I said, “I stayed at the old house with Mark. Stuff happened, but we are fine Kian.”


“Come home soon please I miss her...and you,” He said quickly.


“Be there in an hour or two. Bye!” I said hanging up and putting my phone on the counter. Mark looked sad now looking down, “What’s wrong?”


“You’re leaving me again. You know what could happen...Maria I might do-”


“I can’t stay here I will visit, Mark. You need a life of your own without me.”


“Maria I can’t.”


“Hang out with us then,” I said shaking my head, “Go get dress you can come with me and Chelsea. Maybe you can hang out with the guys.”


“They hate me,” He groaned walking upstairs mumbling, “Caleb’s going to hurt me.”


“No he won’t I promise,” I said finishing my breakfast and going upstairs. I got dress and got Chelsea dress then walked downstairs to see Mark looking proud of himself. Shaking my head I held Chelsea grabbing my bag and her bag. Mark followed me out the door and to my car.


He opened the door for me so I could seat Chelsea in her carseat and buckle her in. I put her bag and my bag in the back. Afterwards I closed the door and got into the the driver’s seat to start this eventful day.


****Mark POV****

She said I could “hang” out with the guys. More like let them beat me up. I am such a fuck up. I messed everything up from the beginning. Caleb hates me so does Kian. And the other guys. But I can’t let that get in the way. Looking out the window I noticed we were near the house. Once we were there she got out and smiled  letting me hold Chelsea as we walked to the door. Taking a deep breath I knocked.


“Maria!” Jc said yelling, “And Chelsea! And you.”


“Ermmm hi,” I said quietly with a small wave.


“Why,” Jc said to Maria glaring at me.


“Because I want him here Jc. Besides you complained about not having people over,” She smiled at me to go in and followed behind her. She didn’t notice but I was getting a lot of glares. At least I think she didn’t notice, “BOYS.”


I guess she did.


****Maria POV****

I told Mark to put Chelsea in her crib while I talked to Kian….and Jc…..and Caleb…..and Joey….basically everyone. This is soo stupid. He is my brother I should be allowed to do this. Wow I called him my brother. I owned him in my thoughts. This is crazy...or am I crazy.


“Maria what the hell? You forgave him?” Caleb started.


“Caleb he was really sorry. I even made up with Britney and I found out it wasn’t even her fault this time.”


“So are you just going on forgiving people?” Jc said sternly.


“No, but I should,” I smiled and Joey chuckled but stopped after getting glares, “Who I want around my kid is my choice.”


“Our choice,” Kian said.


“Nope it is definitely my choice. I have the final say always have.”


“It is our kid though, Maria. What is wrong with you?”


“Nothing now if you excuse me I have a brother and my daughter to tend to,” I said leaving to my room Mark was standing there with a wide grin.


“You called me your brother. That means we are back to normal,” He cheered.


“No we aren’t,” I said and he pouted, “just kidding, but I might stay with you for a little bit.”


“Oh...sure need he-”


“Your not leaving, Maria. Come lets talk about this.”


“No...not now.”

With that I left to have a renew thought of emptiness. I looked at the floor and played with my fingers.

I Promise I Didn't Mean ItOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora