Chapter 27

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****Unknown POV****

I hate Maria and Caleb. They are always ruining things. I am supposed to be with KIan not her. What the hell?!?! I heard my sister Britney come in the apartment slowly. She tried not to make any noise...but failed. I stared at her burning holes into her head. And gave her a death glare, “You didn't go?”


Shaking her head she responded, “Andrea I couldn’t get through the front door.”


Laugh it up yes I am the girl he cheated on her with. We dated...we have history and then I messed everything up. And now I want him back and my sister is going to help me whether she likes it or not. I pushed her against the wall, “And Mark,” I growled.


“He is upset right now. He said I shouldn’t have come, Andrea. He might break up with me,” She whimpered as I slapped her. She held her cheek backing to a wall and sliding down against it.


“That’s enough, Britney. This will work and you won’t lose your boyfriend okay? Now help me with my plan,” I said leaning close to her, “This is what we have to do….”


****Maria POV****

I was meeting Mark at the Starbucks today. I carried Chelsea to the table as we waited for Mark. Chelsea will be talking soon….she will be two soon. I hope we can resolve our issues before than or else I am forced to make sure that have no relationship. Until she is older and can choose. He walked over in his regular outfit with Britney. Now I am leaving I don’t want her here. I was about to rise up but then I thought about Chelsea. So I just sat there watching them two walk over slowly.


“Hi slut,” Britney chirped with an evil grin.


“Hey Mar-”


“Lets just cut to the chase. I don’t want you around my kid if you have that whore around. You may visit Chelsea, but you can’t take her. Oh and you're no longer my brother again. You are no longer allowed to go anywhere I am without letting me know. What I do in my free time is my business so don’t bother me about that. And you can and will only call me Maria. Not Marbear or anything else, Got it? Good. Unless you have questions this meeting is over. Sorry to cut it short it is just I don’t want her sluttiness to rub off on me or Chelsea.”


“You have some nerve!”


“As do you Britney. Oh and Britney is sort of annoying when you have people who don’t stand up for themselves. I see the bruise and I am assuming your boyfriend here didn’t notice. You really think he likes you?” I paused and let her think before continuing, “He is using you to get back at me. Once he is done you're out of here. Also tell your sister to give up and stop spying,” I winked getting up.


“What the hell, Maria?!?!” Mark yelled.


“You know nothing about me or us,” Britney screaming standing up.


“Oh, but I do. Sorry for foiling your plans. Britney you should probs tell him everything same with you Mark,” I said getting Chelsea and leaving. I got to my are and buckled her in her carseat. Once I was done I closed her door and made it to my own when I heard screaming. Britney was crying as was Mark. I guess they took my advice. I walked over slowly as Mark walked to the car.


“Do you want a ride, Britney?” I said attempting to be nice, “I will just drop you off. We don’t even have to talk. I just don’t want you stranded. We can hate each other after this too.”


“Okay,” she chuckled following me to my car she sat in the passenger seat. She chuckled. It was actual happiness interrupting my thoughts she spoke softly, “We can talk.”


“Okay what about?”


“I am sorry, Maria. My sis- just know I will protect you guys. For Chelsea,” She said playing with her hands, “Is she really turning 2?”


“Yup in a month or two. You don’t have to get her anything,” I smiled pulling over, “Here you are.”


“Thanks Maria. You're a good person,” She said getting out and waving to Chelsea. She went into the house and I left to the O2L house. But first I had to stop by the old house. Getting Chelsea I walked inside slowly. I saw Mark on the couch with beers lined up near him.


“Mark can you watch Chelsea for me,” He looked at me and his face lit up, “How many did you have?”


“One or Two. I promise I am not drunk, Maria,” He said about to tear up. He had been crying prior so his eyes were still red and puffy, “Please.”


I walked over to him and handed Chelsea to him. He held her rocking her to sleep smiling at himself. I missed this. I waved for him to come over to me and follow. He put her inside the crib then followed me back downstairs. I went inside the kitchen and grabbed a soda. Mark just laid against the downway as if he didn’t know what to do. I put my soda down and hugged him. I think he was shocked because he didn’t do it back at first. But at some point he did.


“Even when I’m not here I am,” I whispered to him, “Remember the songs. And if you look up at the sky and see the stars just remember that I am here.”


“I miss you though...I miss us as kids.”


“We can stay for tonight Mark...just tonight though.”


“You always let me back in. I always mess it up,” He pouted, “So you drove her?”


“Yup. I always drive them home.”




“The girls you decide to ditch once you're upset.”



New memories are always made to be rebuilt I guess.

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