Chapter 25

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****Joey POV****

Chris wasn’t too bad on the eye. I looked at him and smiled a bit shly. He scooted closer and before I knew it he placed his lips on my gently. I thought he was straight. OMFG! Caleb I have to pull away. As I pulled away I looked at Chris in shook. I think he was shocked too that he got that far. That he actually went the whole mile.


“I like you Joey. I like you a lot.”


“Ummm I can’t Chris. I have Caleb,” I whispered.


“I’m sorry it was a mistake. Please don’t tell can be our silent,” He pleaded and I nodded.


“Are you gay?”


“Bisexual….but maybe more gay,” He said looking down.


“Lets get coffee at Starbucks. Caleb is busy now anyways so why not?”


“Ermm you don’t hate me,” He said getting up. I kissed Caleb goodbye and told him that we were leaving.


He nodded me off with a simple ok before letting us go. What’s up with Caleb? Getting into Chris’s mustang was pretty cool. It was cherry red with a black stripe going from the front to the back. I hopped in and Chris got in also. It was silent with the radio just playing for a little a bit. But then he turned it down and cleared his throat. I forgot we might actually have to talk.


“Do you...ummm do you like me? You know if Caleb wasn’t in the picture?”


“Umm yes a little bit...I am just scared. I have Caleb you know and it is cheating,” I looked at the window the, “The temptation will eat me away at some point.”




“You know like the want...the hunger for it,” I paused then looking at him, “We can’t tell anyone.”


“I know.”


“I really do like you though,” I bit my lip looking down again, “Is that so wrong? It has always been me and Caleb..never anyone else. And now you're in the picture and I know Connor has been in it.”


“What do you want me to say? What do you want Joey? Think about it. Don’t pick what you think I will like or what Caleb will like. Pick what you want,” Chris said sighing pulling into Starbucks.


“I want you,” I whispered, “But I can’t have you.”


“What was that?”


“Not-” Chris interrupted me with a gentle kiss on my kiss. I couldn’t help but kiss him back. I wanted him so bad. He pulls away leaving me pouting this time. Ironic right he was pouting prior. Gosh why is he soo cute?

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