Chapter 1

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****Caleb POV****

I promise I didn’t do it. A kid says this about fifty times before growing up. But what if you are unable to do so. There is no one to catch you so you're alright as long as no one finds out. My parents are John and Susan know them? They only own the biggest estate agency in the state. I guess I am rich, but I really don’t care so the money sits there lifeless and being waited to be spent. My name is Caleb Collins and I go to a public high school with the hopes of graduating. Oh and I am gay no one else knows though….problem?  I have two friends..they are twins. Their names are Chris and Liz Martinez...they are weird.


I woke up this morning with the shimmering sunshining in my face. My mom left me a note saying she was staying at work late and si was my father. Between business trips and actual work they were never here. I barely saw them and weekly parties were a must. The Martinez had theirs on fridays so mine were saturdays and sundays was club night. Sliding on an All Time Low shirt and a pair of skinny jeans I was out the door with my bookbag. Liz waited with Chris patiently although Chris seemed to be annoyed with her. He is a close friend of mine about 9 years. I have been with Liz for 10 though and I am happy with that. She pretended to be my girlfriend one was interesting.


“C-c-caleb Chris is being mean again-,” Liz faked cried while Chris just frowned.


“You used my hairdryer and then took my sparkling water,” Chris whined.


“School...lets” I suggested interrupting Liz and Chris.


“Fine,” They groaned starting to walk to school.


“Here,” I said handing Chris my sparkling water making him smirk. Chris waved the water is Liz’s face then held it close before she could take it. I chuckled watching them two is adorable. Liz just kept walking clinging to my arm smiling cheerfully.


“Did you hear? There is a new kid...I think he might be a bad boy type,” She said pausing before yelling, “Chris thinks you should not come to our party tomorrow.”


I turned and looked at at him who was still cuddling with the sparkling water. I swear he loved that more than life, “Is that true?”




“Do you not want me to go, Chris?” I said smirking.


“No...who told you...god dammit Liz!” She just laughed and skipped the rest of the way. Chris just ran his fingers through his hair  shaking his head, “Caleb you're welcome to come...LIz might not be there.”


“Why wouldn’t she?” I said confused with a hint of curious.


“I am gonna kill her,” He growled as I laughed. Liz always got him all upset about nothing.


My first class History with Mr. Lane and lets just say I hate him. He had us do a project on...I forget actually. I think it was something about Elections….something old. I got to be partners with the new guy...old joy. Note the sarcasm that just spilled out of my thoughts. He was wearing a graphic tee paired with a leather jacket, skinny jeans, and black converse. Liz was right he has a bad boy type. Man that is how hot as fudge. His hair was a chocolate brown also paired with brown eyes. Think clean Caleb, think clean. He sent a smile my way and sat next to me. Everyone else talked, but I just stared.

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