Chapter Sixty-Three

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Soooooo, I'm finally back with an update, and I honestly can't say it's the best thing I've ever written, but it has lost of Shura in it, and I think it was necessary. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think via a comment and/or vote! Enjoy!

"Come on, (Y/N), you can do this," the physical therapist encouraged me from my side as the physical therapist assistant held me under my arms as he helped me to walk between the two bars. It really wasn't that far. In reality, it was only a few yards, but after not using my muscles for a little over three months, it was like running a marathon.

My chest heaved for air and my forehead was covered in sweat. Well, all of me was covered in sweat. My arms and legs were shaking from my strain, and I could feel tears of frustration starting to burn at the corner of my eyes. I didn't want to do this anymore. I just wanted to give up. I just wanted to be done. I was tired of being in a wheelchair. I was tired of the nightmares. I was tired of being treated like an invailed. I was tired of sitting in the same damn bed every day. I was tired of staring out the same window at the same boring old courtyard everyday. I was just tired. I was so unbelievably tired. And I just wanted to be done.

"Come on, (Y/N), you're almost halfway there; you made it halfway on Monday and Wednesday. You promised a few more steps today," the doctor reminded me. She was right. I had promised her. I had promised her after our session on Wednesday that I would at least take a few steps past half way during our Friday session. But I had woken up in a foul mood. I wasn't sure if I hadn't gotten enough sleep last night, or if I was just depressed, or what was going on, but to say I was in a sour mood was the understatement of the century. I just didn't have any patience left.

"Come on, (Y/N), just a few more steps," the doctor encouraged. She was so nice, and I was just so angry that I didn't have any self control left, and I snapped.

"I c-can't!" I shouted before sinking to my knees, the assistant behind me gently lowering me so I didn't hurt myself. "I can't d-do t-this anymore," I cried, my sobs bubbling up in my chest. I wrapped my frail, scarred arms around myself in an attempt to comfort myself as my body shook with sobs. A hand was placed on my shoulder, and it squeezed lightly.

"(Y/N), what happened?" the doctor asked kindly. "You were doing so well," she commented. "You only had a few more steps to go," she added. "What happened to that fire I've seen in you?" she asked as she brushed some loose hair away from my face. The only thing that escaped my mouth was a sob as sticky tears continued to rush down my face. "Take a deep breath, (Y/N); take all the time you need," the doctor said kindly as she rubbed a hand on my back despite the cloth being soaked in sweat.

"I-I j-just c-can't," I stuttered. I had noticed my stutter got exponentially worse when I was stressed or upset. "I-I'm s-so tired," I muttered. The doctor didn't say anything for a moment, and when someone did speak, it wasn't my physical therapist. I looked up in shock at the sound of my teacher's voice.

"That doesn't sound like the (Y/N) I know," I voice said. I looked up to find Shura crouching down next to me. It was the first I had seen her since the incident.

"Sh-shura?" I asked, raising one of my scarred arms to brush away a few tears, though, they did not stop immediately. "W-what are -you d-doing here?" I asked shakily. The woman only smirked as she reached over to ruffle my hair.

"It's Miss Shura to you," she said in a teasing tone. "And I just wanted to come see my favorite student," she said, causing me to laugh wetly.

"I-I'm g-gonna tell Rin y-you said t-that," I muttered, my voice still rough from my crying. She just smirked and waved it off. I couldn't help but laugh again.

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