Chapter Seven

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Here we go again! Hope you're enjoying it, if you are, let me know through a comment or a vote! Have fun!

Laughter rang through the corridors of the old boys dormitory. I had my face in my hands as I tried to regain my breath while Rin was laughing so hard he was nearly falling out of his chair. Shima has banged his head on the table a few minutes ago and hadn't resurfaced. Suguro just shook his head, a smirk on his face, as he counted up the rest of the points. We had decided to play cards games, and it turned out surprisingly well. It relieved some stress and just allowed us to get to know each other more and have some fun.

The reason for our uncontainable laughter was the pink haired boy who still had his head on the table. He was losing terribly, and we didn't know how to help him. For the first few rounds, I thought he just didn't understand the game, and then I realized he's just really bad at math and strategy which was the whole point of the game.

"Alright, Shima. Are you ready for the next round?" Suguro asked teasingly as he shuffled the deck of cards. Shima groaned and pushed himself out of his chair and onto the ground. This caused me to laugh harder. So much so that tears sprung from my eyes as I rested my head on the table. I even started what my brother called my "hyena laugh." It only happened in the most dire of situations. This only caused the boys to laugh harder and my face to go red. Even Suguro was laughing now.

When I finally got control of myself, I looked up and smacked a hand to my forehead. "What kinda laugh was that?" Rin asked through a giggle. I just shrugged and shook my head, not yet trusting my voice. "Who's winning anyway?" Rin asked, looking expectantly at Suguro.

"(Y/N)," he said, pointing his pen at me. "I thought you said didn't know how to play poker," he said, cocking an eyebrow. "Cause you're good." I just shrugged.

"She is here on a full ride," Rin reminded him. Suguro grumbled something under his breath.

"I like strategy games," was all I said. "My dad said I get it from my mom; she was good at them to."

"Was?" Rin asked. Suguro elbowed him in the stomach and hissed at him that he shouldn't ask someone stuff like that. I just waved them off.

"She died when I was little. She was an exorcist and died from a wound that refused to heal." The boys didn't say anything, but I saw understanding in Rin's eyes. I knew he had never met his mother, and his father died about a year ago. "It's really fine. I don't mind talking about it. I miss her, but everything happens for a reason. I probably wouldn't have gone to school for exorcism if she hadn't." Suguro nodded in what looked like understanding. "And then I wouldn't have met you guys," I said with a smile.

"It's good that you can talk about stuff like that, instead of keeping it all bottled up inside," Suguro said as he dealt the cards for the next round.

"Geez, when did this turn into touchy-feely time?" Shima asked, and Suguro promptly elbowed him in the gut. I laughed at the boy's pained expression. We continued our game in peace until Mr. Okumura walked into the kitchen where we were set up.

"What were you guys laughing so hard about in here?" he asked and stepped to stand behind Rin's chair. It was weird to see him street clothes and not his uniform. Sometimes I forgot that he was actually our age.

"Shima sucks, and (Y/N)'s wining," was his short response. "She could give you a run for your money, Yukio." I blushed at the compliment, and my hand of cards suddenly became very interesting.

The Boy with the Two Toned Hair (Bon X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin