Chapter Thirty-Four

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Man, these chapters are just packed with important information. If it gets confusing for anyone, just let me know and I'll post an A/N that explains it all. Hope you enjoy!

The air was impossibly cold and the wind stung my face, making my cheeks and nose a rosy red. Snow flurries were falling lightly, finding a place in my hair. The coat wrapped around my body did little to combat the cold air, and I shivered. I borrowed into my coat as far as I could go, trying desperately to warm up my freezing nose. I felt a gaze trained on me, and I looked up to see Ryuji looking down at me, a goofy smile on his face.

I had only been back at school for two days, one of those being spent with Rin as he was the only one that had been there. It was time for my stitches to come out, and Bon had offered to come with me; I had gratefully accepted, not wanting to have to do this on my own. I read that it could be a little uncomfortable, and I wanted someone with me. We were standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus. Though Bon had his driver's license, he admitted to not being comfortable enough to drive in the snow, so here we were.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Can't I just admire my girlfriend who I have seen since before Christmas?" he teased. I just shrugged, a little embarrassed. "You look like a little snow princess," he whispered in my ear. I was glad the cold air made my cheeks red to cover the heat rushing to my cheeks. I took his hand in my own as a silent way to say thank you for the compliment.

Before long, I was laying in the hospital bed, my shirt pulled up to my chest, revealing the multitude of ugly black stitches. "I'm so happy to be rid of them," I whispered. Ryuji ran his hand over my head, smoothing my wind blown hair back.

"You looked beautiful before your stitches, beautiful with your stitches, and you're going to look beautiful after you get your stitches out," he assured me. "Your wound doesn't define you." There was a knock on the door, and we turned to see the doctor standing in the doorway.

"Are you ready, Miss (L/N)?" I nodded. "I'm going to make sure the stitches and ready to be taken out, and then an RN will be in to do the procedure," he informed me. His inspection was quick and proved that the stitches were ready to come out.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite couple." I laughed when I looked over to see my old evening nurse. "Ready?" she asked. I nodded and she got started right away. The whole thing was a little uncomfortable, but Bon was there to distract me, and he was doing a pretty good job. We hadn't gotten whole lot of time to talk since this was his first day back to school since the end of break.

"How was your break?" he asked, brushing hair out of my face when I winced as a stitch was pulled from my side.

"Alright," I said, shrugging a little. "My dad has a girlfriend," I told him. His eyebrows rose slightly.

"And how are you feeling about that?" he asked respectfully.

"Okay, actually. We've actually been getting along pretty well," I informed him. "I was kind of worried about it at first and didn't know what to think," I admitted. He nodded in understanding.

"How are you doing after, well, the other thing?" he asked carefully. I only shrugged, not looking at him. I couldn't tell him about what happened. I couldn't tell him what I saw or what I learned. The demons and my late great grandmother had insisted that no one but the Matsuda family know anything about the Sister Swords. They didn't want information getting out to the Ishida family or anyone else that could potentially have interest in the swords.

He must have taken my silence for being upset because he stroked my hair again. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about," he assured softly.

"Thank you," I whispered. I then proceeded to ask him about his break. Not much had really happened on his end, and he explained that he had just spent time with his family. He had trained like normal and helped his mom around the inn. I smiled at that bit of information. "Still hanging out with your momma," I teased. He only sighed and shook his head, knowing that I was only poking fun to try and lighten the mood.

The Boy with the Two Toned Hair (Bon X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя