45. spilling the beans

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Shit, my bones ache again like hell from the way back from college to the bed and breakfast.

Even if I hate to admit to it, Jake carrying me up and down the stairs, definitely was a relief. And feeling his arms around me......
The moment he put me back on my feet, the lack of his arms around me, hit me again so damn hard. Nothing I want him to know though so instead I let out my anger and frustration about being carried in the first place. Perhaps a little psycho, I know.

"Jake texted me", Evans says while I am stretching out on the couch cuddling my new favourite hoodie in my arms.

"Did he tell you, I nearly crippled him for carrying me down and then back up the stairs?"

Evans chokes on his coke. "He did what? All he texted me was, he brought you a hoodie and for the first time in weeks you said a few words to him."

"Yes because you fucking traitor, told him about the hoodie. How much more did you tell him?" I roll my eyes emphasizing that I'm not too pleased about him spilling. Even if I'm not really mad about it.

"I told him just as much about you, as I tell you about him. That you are both down and missing each other. You know exactly if you weren't so stubborn right now, you would have already spoken to him. Now tell me about that carrying thing."

"Not much to tell, he's an idiot and over protective again. When he saw how I was fighting to get down those stairs to hand in my work, he carried me against my will. After that I hit his leg with my crutches."

Evans bursts out laughing. "Oh my god Sam, you are such a stubborn girl at times. As I know you by now, I can picture this too well. Poor Jake. Well at least you are being a little less zombie and getting your attitude back." The laugh rumbling from his chest puts a tiny smile on my lips too.

It nearly feels like I don't even remember how to smile anymore.

"Watch it, I still have my crutches here. I might just crush your legs too", I warn him only causing him to chuckle.

"That's my girl, knew she was still there. Now tell me about what you said to him. Did you say hi for a change."

"Nope. I called you a traitor, after he laid the hoodie on the table."

"Thought a new one might help you", he tells me softly while watching my reactions.

"Thanks Evans", I whisper lowly hugging the hoodie a little tighter. Even if I hate that I need it, the hoodie means an awful lot to me.

"I've brought you some fruit scones, as I guess you haven't eaten anything. Oh and some mince pies, it's nearly Christmas and Jake somehow spilt how much you love them."

I do, and yet I don't feel like eating anything. Then again, I know I have to, so I decide to make us a tea and sit down with the scones first.

"Since when are you missing out on coffee? The Sam I know was a zombie without coffee."

"Well you have called me a zombie plenty of times in the last couple of weeks", I remind him with a wink. "But to be precise, the doc said I have to cut down, only one coffee a day. Besides my Grams always made us tea, it reminds me of her."

"Is it because of your Grams you aren't giving Jake a chance to talk to you?"

My head drops down, while tears are welling up in my eyes again.

"Sam, she had no right. She was blaming Jake for things which weren't his fault, but his parents fault. All of you have suffered from what his parents did and it's not fair. Not fair on any of you", every word leaving his mouth sounds like desperation to get through to me.

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