32. kicking your ass

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Have I ever been so excited about going skating? Jake and I used to skate every day together, we kind of swapped sandpit against skateboard. To be precise for a short while we had the sandpit and our skateboards at the same time.

Whenever I fell and grazed my knee or something, Jake would be right there worrying more than my mum. We actually crashed quite a few bones together, before we kind of got really good at this shit. As it's always been challenges, I know he isn't going to go easy on me today, which just makes it even more exciting. For the first time ever, I am so excited going skating I don't even know what to wear. I toss loads of clothes on my bed, getting a little frustrated. Usually I never care what exactly I am wearing, main thing I have my statement shirt and my cap. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I texted Emi on my way here too, she already made out with Ian for the park anyway.

Now I just need to figure out what the fuck to wear. Tight sexy jeans on the skateboard, no go. But the stretch ones work, so I take out one of my light grey torn skinny jeans with stretch material. Not perfect for skating but it will do, I'll be able to move enough in them. And one of my harmless tops, it says Limited Edition. It's in a cut-out style, leaving my belly free, showing a bit of my cleavage and cut off sleeves. Right this might be a little cold for October, but hey I want to impress my boyfriend so suck it. While skating I'll be sweating anyway and for the rest of the time my leather jacket will have to do. I add up my pink cap and my grey Chucks matching my jeans and finally have my outfit.

Shit did I really just think that? I want to impress my BOYFRIEND. Guess I'll have to repeat that a couple of times in my head until I get used to it. First off, me trying to impress someone. But oh my god, Jake is really my boyfriend. I mean he did declare me as his girlfriend and I wrapped my mind around it. So why does it sound like: Holy shit I have a boyfriend, like a real boyfriend. Like the hottest guy in town is my boyfriend. Jesus I gotta get my mind straight.

Emi as always is totally overdressed for the skatepark, unable to hold back I simply shake my head and chuckle.

"So, you and this Ian?", I start as we start walking to the park.

"He's sweet, like I said there's nothing happened yet. But I think I kind of like him. He texts me every morning and every evening, well and in between. You know I went to the skatepark last week while you were doing homework with Jake. Remember the evening you appeared with Evans later on?", I simply nod. "He came over to me, while he was doing a break. Appears he's in my class, he had seen me, remembered my red hair and he had seen me with you a couple of times. We just started chatting. I think he is really shy, but Sam he is so fucking cute. And have you seen those dimples on him? They are to die for."

This is so cute, I have never seen Emi this way.

"You are so whipped Emi," I pipe with a smile.

"So, what? You aren't exactly sticking to our plan with the boys either, are you? Could you just do me a favour?", I look up at her curious what is coming next, a smirk appears on her face. "When Jake sleeps over could you make sure he runs around without a t-shirt or perhaps just in a towel? I need to see those muscles you've described. I mean his shirts give me a rough idea, but honestly, I am curious to see him without. Fuck I can't even believe I am saying this about our Jake, we used to play together like brother and sister."

"You used to play like that with him, he was always my little knight, my hero", I chuckle, remembering what I used to say to mum about him. "But anyway, you should keep your eyes on Ian instead of the abs of my boyfriend." Hey actually said it out loud the secpnd time. BOYFRIEND and oh my god does it feel good. Childish? Maybe, but I don't give a shit.

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