24. smoking hot

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We took a cab to the party, as neither Emi nor I wanted to walk the way in our high heels. At the moment I feel really unsure about my outfit. God, I wish I had hotpants or jeans and a top on right now. This feels so dressed up and not me at all. I hope the guys won't think I look ridiculous. All my self-confidence I gathered at home has flown out of the window.

We can hear the loud music way down to the street, there are people all the way outside again. Seems like Jake and Evans really know how to throw a party, at college they are well known to be epic. Nearly everyone I cross in the hallways talk about it. And the freshman party is known to be one of the biggest during the year, besides the ones before holidays. A lot of guys start whistelling at us. Thank god they aren't that drunk yet, for them to get pushy in any kind of way. I think at Evans place I kind of felt a tad bit safer, as our apartment is right underneath where I could have escaped.

Again, we push through the crowd of people. It's amazing how packed a place can be, it hardly looks like the same place I've been the last couple of days. Once we finally reach the apartment the bar is the first place we attend, we are so going to get canned today. Of course, I know we did the last times too, but watching the people drink all week, while my mind is going insane, tells me I badly need decent booze tonight.

Alright I have to admit I might have a wee crush on cherry shots and that's my first goal for tonight. Nearly reaching the bar, my clumsiness has to strike again. Knew fucking high heels don't work for me. Now guess whom I crush right into?

"Hey Statement girl, seems you like to crush into me", Evans states, while I am half lying in his arms and he gives me a huge smile.

"Ehm, hi. Thanks for catching me, AGAIN", I chuckle embarrassed.

He pulls me up. To top it off, Jake is stood right in front of us glaring at Evans whose arms are still wrapped around me.

Smooth girl!

Way to start a perfect evening.

"Hi, anyone want a drink?" This is the moment I feel like having some super natural power to make me invisible again. Why the hell can't I just get it?

None of the guys say a word instead both are eyeing me from head to toe with jaws dropped. Thank fuck Emi is my rescue as she simply hooks her arm under mine dragging me further to the bar.

"Thanks Emi, gosh I have only just arrived and need to be rescued already." I whisper, as I don't know if any of them have followed and I am sure not turning around to have a look.

"And both of them are so fucking hot, you are so lucky to pick out of one of them tonight. I mean my date is hot, but those two sure as hell are the hottest guys here tonight and probably even in town."

"You call me lucky? I rather feel like I am in my personal hell."

"Well fallen angels fuck better", Emi smirks, again she's got me laughing. We down our first few shots, and take a beer before we head to the corner of the skater crew. Shortly before we reach them, Evans appears right next to me.

"You look unbelievable awesome tonight", I blush at his words.

"Thanks, you are looking smart too", I say quickly before we reach the rest. Evans is wearing a black Guns'n Roses t-shirt, with an open red/black lumberjack shirt and plain black jeans. It looks punky casual and yet hot on him.

"Whooaaaa Sam is that you?", Justin calls out. "Holy shit, you always look hot but you are dressed like a real woman today. A fucking hot lady."

"Well I kind of thought, my tits are usually enough to state I am a woman. But this one", I aim at Emi "thought I need to level up. Don't get used to it though, a one-off thing."

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