7. Skater boy

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It's been ages since I've been in a halfpipe or to be precise a pool. Or been able to grind somewhere decently (and I'm talking about my board not on a guy). Back home we don't have skateparks and grinding some small stairs or the pavements isn't the same. God, I have missed this, last time I've been to a skatepark the world was different for me.

Evans is keeping up quite well, better than I would have ever imagined. He is skilled with the board, but no where near my level. It's still fun with him.

We take a small break, sitting near the pool to have a drink.

"Gosh you did kick my ass in. Is it bad I find it hot, to be defeated by a girl on a skateboard?"

He makes me blush. "Nope, it would be terrible if you'd hate me, because I am better in skating."

"Your heelflip, tailslide and nosegrind are nearly perfect. Never seen it done so good before", Evans admires my stunts.

From behind us I hear a familiar voice appear. "You know mine are perfect."

Both of us turn around. Oh my god, this evening had started off so well, now I'm in my own fucking hell. Skating with the boy I am perhaps interested in and now my ex appearing whom I accidentally fucked several times two nights ago. Of course Jake is here, he's a skater boy always has been. There are three fucking skateparks here, why does it have to be this one?

Because it's probably the best you bitch my subconsciousness screams back at me. Right now, I feel the urge to slam my head against my board, which is currently on my lap.

"Hey Jake, you might have recognized her from the party, this is Sam. Sam this is my mate Jake?"

"Hey", I say hoping not to give anything away and praying Jake will keep his mouth shut.

"So, you two are dating?"

Gosh please let a lightning strike me right here and now. Fuck I don't know what to answer and Evans isn't really reacting either. A smirk appears on Jake's face.

"So difficult to answer, huh?"

"We only met beginning of this week. Evans lives above me", of course Jake knows that, I just hope he gets the hint.

"Yeah, I thought Sam and I could do something together."

"So, it is a date. Weird place for a date, thought you go for places like restaurants, cinemas etc. for first dates. Or if you do it like me, just fuck in the apartment."

I choke on my coke. Thank god Evans doesn't realize how tense the air around us has gotten.

"Shut up man, not everyone's like you. And it was Sam's idea to come here. Guess she wanted to challenge me and kick my ass", he chuckles. "You should have seen her."

"Oh, I did. Mind if I steal your girl shortly for a small challenge myself? Been a while since I've skated with a girl."

Fuck I start choking again. "You ok?", Evans asks concerned.

"Uh.... yeah, sorry seems like I got the coke down wrong and can't get rid of it properly."

"You in with the challenge SAM?", he says my name in a very weird way, making clear he won't take no for an answer.

My eyes dart over towards Evans, he doesn't seem to suspect anything. Instead he sends me a reassuring smile. "She's going to kick your ass, not something you are used to mate", he says directed at Jake.

Honestly, I do feel like kicking his ass and as he won't take no for an answer anyway I get up.

"Ok, I'll beat your ass Skater boy", he smirks with my answer. I know he is loving this.

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