short Prologue

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A/N: this will only be a very short prologue to hopefully get you a little curious about Samantha's story.

This book will contain mature, steamy scenes, swearing and heavy context.

So this is a explicit 18+ book, read at own risk!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️

Btw I am a beginner in writing. It might take you a couple of chapters to fully get into the story, so please don't give up too soon on me❤❤❤

Oh and sorry for the spelling ahead, due to my brain tumor I know there are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes, but I hope you enjoy the story!

Be ready for a rollercoaster ride ;)

I grew up most of my life in a small village near Nottingham. Growing up in a small village is kind of heaven and hell in one go.

Heaven? Well no great pollution, a lot of green around you. Everyone knows everyone, as kid you could run the streets without worries (most of the time anyway), spend the time at streams or in woods.

Hell? Well there's so many reasons why a small village can be hell. For me the last couple of years it's sure been more of a hell, in so many fucked up different ways.

Anyone who has lived in a small village like this, where everyone knows everyone, might know how that feels. It's impossible to even drink a beer without the whole village knowing. Despite keeping any serious secrets.

Or at least not, if you don't belong to the high society.

As usual it's all about the gossip.

If people don't know how it is, I'll compare it to Desperate Housewives. Well that might give them a little hint how villages like ours work.

When things changed so suddenly five years back, I knew I couldn't wait to get away from here. Just leave everything and everyone behind. My life was shredded to bits.

After my best friend Emily moved away. And my very cute ex-boyfriend moved and ditched me in let's say the worst time of my life, I decided the village sucks.

Being center of attraction all of a sudden didn't exactly help. But I had decided to focus on my future goals. Being on A-levels throughout most of my classes definitely was a great help.

Oxford was one of my main goals I fought for so hard. This would become my life changer. My dream college.

My plans were set. Emily and I always had the plan to reunite at college. She was just as obsessed with Oxford as I was.

The University of Oxford consists out of unbelievable fourty five colleges.

Luckily, we both got accepted each at our college of choice. Even if I needed a full scholarship and a job on top I knew it would be worth it. In average only seventeen out of hundred make it to Oxford. So, I would say I was dead lucky. Well at least I thought so.

We were all set for the best time of our lives. Move together, have fun, be on the booze and enjoy having boys.

Simply a normal student life. Forget about the fucked up life beforehand. For the first time in my life I wanted to be totally free.

I had everything perfectly planned out already. Knew exactly what I wanted.

Well I should have known from my life before college, life never works out as planned. It usually just fucks you up.

Oxford was always meant to be a life changer. Little did I know when I had that in my mind what a life changer really meant.

I've heard about people going on holiday meeting people far away from home, they never expected to see there. It never crossed my mind at some point I could be in a similar situation.

To say I was shocked would be an absolute understatement when someone I hadn't expected to ever see again, was suddenly right in front of me.

Six weeks in Oxford have definitely already changed my life. Let's just say it's a total mess and not what I had expected. Fucked up might be the perfect term right now.

My whole world has been turned upside down, totally thrown off axis.

His name constantly appearing on the screen of my phone with it's endless ringing, just makes me clutch the steering wheel even harder while tears are streaming down my face.

Thinking back, everything had started off so perfectly with my move to Oxford. How could things change so much, so fast?

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