2. girls time

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I wake up way gone midnight. I must have been damn tired to have fallen asleep on the couch while watching Netflix. Admitted it might have been the wine on top. Emily has already left the couch and I start crawling into my bed, to catch another couple of hours of sleep.

Waking up in the morning is weird, there are noises coming from outside I am not used to. This is definitely not a village. A quick look in the mirror tells me what a messy state I am in. Instead of going for the shower first, I just quickly brush my teeth and pee, before I head to the kitchen. Emi is already sat at the counter reaching out a cup of coffee to me.

"You're my rescue", I say yawning away.

"Always have been", she answers smiling.

Yes, she really has been, even if she wasn't physically there. Emi was there at any time of the day if ever I needed her. My only friend and I missed her so much.

"Right, what's the plan for today?", I ask ignoring I should start getting my bags unpacked.

"Hmmm sounds like you have better things in mind than unpacking your stuff", she laughs.

Of course, Emi knows me I push everything I don't fancy to the last second. She gives me a knowing smirk.

"Alright, well as we are in for a party tonight, your first party here to be precise. We need some fucking hot outfits and of course those masks."

Emi used her second day here to go for her first party, to be honest I was a bit disappointed as I thought we would go to the first party together then again, she's been to so many parties without me guess it doesn't make a difference. At least she might know some of the people tonight.

Before we leave, I take that much needed shower and put my hair up in a messy bun after drying them. Well what shall I say, Grams probably wouldn't approve with my outfit today either, lucky me she's not here. As I enter the living room I do make Emi laugh though.

"You are such a badass with your shirts, you know?", I chuckle and shrug. Seems like chuckling and laughing will be a huge part of my life now.

Ok, so today my tank top states: Fuck the Rules.

It's written in bright pink over my black tank top. Yeah, I guess I like these, still have plenty more same as my ripped jeans.

Walking down the stairs we bump into Evans again. "Hey Statement girl", he says smirking and I see him staring at my low cut cleavage.

"Statement girl?", I question with a small smile playing on my lips.

"Seems like you like to leave your statements written on your chest."

"Hmmm yeah, guess you are right. I've got plenty more", I chuckle again.

"Got one with: Hot as Fuck?", he smirks making me blush for the umph time already.

"Oh Evans you are so blunt", Emi interferes while laughing.

"Nope, just honest. And if she is wearing statements, that would surely match very well. You two are coming tonight right? It's going to be a smashing party."

"Yep, just on our way to get some masks."

"I know who you are anyway, see you tonight I guess", he says with a wink, before heading up the stairs.

"Holy shit, he is in for you. Fucking hot Evans is going to get you laid tonight", Emily squeaks as we leave the door.

"Sssshhht Emi, I don't need everyone to know. Anyway, I don't know if I want to get laid that fast. Afterall we don't even know each other."

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