「Phase 31」Story Of Snow

Start from the beginning

"Shiraishi-san's new coord?" A second-year user, who Mai recognised as another wearer of the brand she held so dearly to her heart, asked. She smiled. "You're right! That's a good idea, you know."

A third-year - the muse of the pop-type brand Vibrant Splash - nodded in agreement. "Maybe we should try basing the decorations on each brand's Christmas collection coord? That way, we can appeal to everyone, whilst staying uniform."

"Sounds good!" The group chirped in reply. They quickly got to making this new idea a reality, passionately talking about their favourite brand's best points as they worked. It was a fun, even nostalgic, experience. Baking with everyone on a Winter's day, happily discussing what they loved... Mai hadn't thought she'd ever come to love that experience again. Yet now, it brought a certain kind of warmth to her heart. She made sure to treasure it... it wasn't often she'd be able to relive such memories without feeling much pain.

Meanwhile, Tsubaki, Hinata and Kotone were on decorating duty. Hinata was looking at two pieces of fabric, pouting. She turned around to Tsubaki.

"Hey, Tsubaki? Which shade of green would work better?"

"...They're different shades? They look the same to me."

"Of course they are!" Hinata refuted, "One's more bluey. One's more yellowy."

"If you say so."

"The left has an 8.54% higher chance of pleasing everyone in comparison to the right," Kotone interrupted, gesturing to the 'bluey' stretch of fabric. Hinata turned back to look at the fabric, then nodded.

"I see! Thank you, Kotone-chan!!" She picked the fabric up, preparing to string it along as a banner. Tsubaki and Kotone returned to sorting out balloons.

"This is so fun," Hinata commented, a wide smile on her face. "Is this what it's always like?"

Tsubaki tilted her head slightly. "I guess? Celestial Academy is known for having quite big parties though. Like the Winter Ball every year."

Despite the two facing different ways, Tsubaki could tell Hinata was rolling her eyes.

"I think this is way more exciting than any old stupid ball," she muttered, louder than she had meant to.

"Christmas appears to be an important event amongst humans," Kotone commented, "but I'm yet to fully comprehend what it is."

Hinata dropped the banner, and after scrambling to pick it back up, she turned to Kotone. "You don't?!"

"That is what I said."

"Well..." she paused, pondering for a second. "It's like... a day where you get each other a ton of presents! And eat a lot!"

"A day where humans self-indulge... noted."

"It's more than that," Tsubaki said. "It's a day where you spend time with your family and friends - those you care about. A day where everyone leaves behind all of the harsh feelings they hold, and just... be at peace." She gave an awkward laugh. "It's kinda hard to explain."

"I understand," Kotone said. It wasn't something she was familiar with, but it was worth a try. It was difficult to admit, but... she thought it sounded nice. Hinata strung the banner along, then jumped down her ladder.

"We should take a break, and see Mai-chan!" She tugged on both of their arms.

"That would be sufficient," Kotone agreed, but Tsubaki raised an eyebrow.

"Would it? There's so much left to do-"

"Are you calling Kotone-chan a liar?!" Hinata dramatically gasped. "We're only human - we need to take breaks once in a while!" She pleaded, and Tsubaki sighed.

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