(Ep 16) New Year, New Me

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Narcissa POV:

I woke up especially early to a slam next door. I rushed out of bed to Draco's room.

Maddie's POV:

I fell asleep on Draco's shoulder. I felt him moving and then I heard a loud slam. My eyes opened immediately and I saw Narcissa run in. "What happened?" she looked at me in distress, running over to Draco on the floor. I burst out laughing and Draco sits up, and stares into my eyes with an angry expression on his face. I look at his mom and I can see her hiding her giggle. I get off the bed to help him up while Narcissa walks out of his room. "That was funny." I reach my hands out  for him to grab. "Oh shut it." He grabs my hands. "Make me." I smirk at him and crawl back into his bed. He lays next to me and kisses me on the cheek. "Are you ok, for reals?" I look him in the eyes, grabbing his face. "Yea I am my Jewel." He smiles and gives me more kisses. After a few minutes, I could tell he was restless. "Are you awake princess?" Draco taps my shoulder aggressively. "Yea baby, why?" I flutter my eyes open. "Want to watch a movie?" He reaches for the remote and hands it to me. "Sure which one?" I grab the remote and scroll through the different movies. "You pick baby." He kisses my forehead. I continue to scroll through the movies and turn on The Fault in our Stars, and I fell back asleep on his shoulder.

Later in the Morning (Draco's POV:)

I woke up hours later to Maddie sleeping on my shoulder. She looked so pretty and peaceful when she slept. "Hey Princess, it's time to get up." She fluttered her eyes open and her beautiful blue eyes rested on mine. "Good morning princess!" she gives me a soft smile, stretching her legs out. "What time is it?" Ugh. Her morning voice was so attractive. "It's time for you to get up!" She finally gets up and walks into the bathroom. I heard the water start; like she was getting ready to shower. I knocked on the door, but heard no reply, and made my way in. 

Maddie's POV:

I felt someone hug me from behind. I just assumed it was Draco, (it's not like the rest of his family isn't attractive). "Draco?" I turn around and plant a kiss on his soft lips, him not letting go of me. "We should hurry up this shower, we have a party to attend later today." He grabs my shampoo, and without even asking, he starts washing my hair. Fifteen minutes go by and we get out of the shower. "Draco, can you go get me one of my dresses while I get ready?" He nods and kisses my forehead before leaving the bathroom. I start by doing my hair and makeup. I put on enough clothes to at least exit the bathroom to finish getting dressed. "Draco did you find it?" I start going through his closet to find him a suit. I picked out an all-black suit, with an emerald green tie. He comes back into his room with a dress in his hands. "This one?" He takes a look at the dress, and then at my expression. "I think it's perfect Draco." I slip on the dress, while he puts on the suit I picked out for him.

After we finished getting ready, I realized I haven't eaten anything; I was starved

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After we finished getting ready, I realized I haven't eaten anything; I was starved. Draco and I went downstairs to find a quick snack before we party.

Narcissa's POV: 

I was finishing the preparations for our annual New Year's Eve party. Bellatrix helped me with the finishing touches on the treats. Maddie and Draco same down and I saw, with a small glimpse of something shiny reflecting off of Maddie's ears. It was the butterfly earrings I gave her when we first met.

Maddie's POV:

I was getting quite nervous. I haven't seen most of these people since my father stopped me from returning to Hogwarts.

Guests were flooding like crazy, all I could think about was hoping that Pansy was not here. Draco could tell how I was feeling, so he brought me to the dance floor to get me to clear my mind a bit. It worked, after a couple of hours of dancing I was exhausted; I flopped onto the couch, resting my feet. Then I saw her. Pansy. She was here.

My blood was boiling at the sight of her. "Oi Mudblood, what are you doing over here?" She started laughing, "Glad you didn't come back. Nobody needed you anyway." I was on the verge of tears. "Pansy why don't you take your own advice and leave me alone." I stood up and walked over to her. Before I could reach her, I felt a hand grab my wrist. It was cold. I knew it was Draco's hand. He spins me around, where Pansy could see us both. "Draco I was just looking for you. Do you want to kiss in like ten seconds?" I stared deeply into his eyes. There were only ten seconds of this year left. 







Draco and I kissed, in front of Pansy. She stood there frozen. "I can't wait to spend another year with you baby." I kiss him again. "Me neither my Jewel," Draco whispers in my ear. He walks off to get us both drinks, and Pansy comes storming up to me. "How can I help you?" I looked her into the eyes. "Give me back my boyfriend!" She says in her annoying voice of hers. I mock her. "First off, I saw you making out with Goyle in the corner a few minutes ago, so I have no clue why you say Draco is your boyfriend." I could tell she was getting upset, but I just continued, "secondly, you look like a pug and smell like one too. He doesn't want you" she was raging at this point, "lastly, I'm not a mudblood. You should meet my parents." As soon as I said that, my mother and father walk over to me and each rested a hand on my shoulder. Pansy's face drops. "I-i I'm so sorry.." She slowly backs off. "You should be. Now leave me and MY BOYFRIEND alone." She runs away, I see her go back to Goyle, who is now with Crabbe, and his behind the both of them.

"Nice one babe." Draco hands me a drink and we cheer, we cheer that Pansy finally stopped bugging us.

The party continues for two more hours. Everyone either left or was crashing on the floor. I started to doze off on the couch. Thankfully Draco saw me and carried me, bridle style, up to my room. He put a pair of his sweatpants on me, slipped off my dress, and left me with just a bra on. Before he came to bed, he checked everywhere to make sure no one was in my room and locked the door. "Good night my Jewel," Draco kisses me, softly, on the cheek. "Good night baby." I fell asleep on his shoulder, listening to the sound of his heartbeat, and the vibrations of his vocal cords as he hums.

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