(Ep 18) The Task

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Today is the day.

Draco's pov:

I was getting quite anxious. Maddie and I were to go back to Hogwarts after all this time. We have to pretend not to know each other. We have to pretend to hate each other. I can't. People can't know we are together, or else they will be suspicious. I already have Harry on me, I don't need anyone on her. I tried to not think about it so much as I was packing. My task. Our task. Kill Dumbledore. Get the Elders Wand. 

I think Maddie was nervous because the ride to the Hogwarts Express was quiet. "Draco, what's going to happen?" She looks as if she is about to cry. I need to tell her. "We can't "be together" in a sense. We aren't breaking up. We just can be seen together." I place one of my hands on her should, giving it a squeeze. "Why Draco?" She grabs my hand tightly. "Harry is already on my, and I don't want him to be suspicious of you." She rested her head on me. "Why?" she keeps asking. "Being a Death Eater isn't really the best thing." I feel her start to cry. "So is being the daughter of the most hated dark wizard." She goes silent for the rest of the way. 

At Hogwarts:

We made it. I had Maddie go first so we don't attract too much attention. People thought we were together last year, but I hope they forgot about it. "Aye, Malfoy!" I heard someone yell my name in a familiar voice. It was my friend, Victor Crabbe. "Crabbe!" I walk over to him in my over confident walk. "Where have you been, the year is almost over?" I tried to think of a lie to get me out of this situation. "Don't tell me you have been with that mud blood, what's her name?" I froze. He was talking about Maddie. "No. I hate her. There is no way I would hangout with her." I move past him in a quick way. "Oh." His voice became fainter and fainter, then I saw her. She was by herself, reading under the tree, where we have our first date.

Maddie's pov:

I just wanted to be alone. I missed him, I didn't know how much I needed him by my side, until now. I heard someone walking, I looked up and saw him with his little gang. "Mud blood." Crabbe called out. I could see the frustration on Draco's face. He wanted it to stop. "What do you want, Malfoy?" I dart him in the eyes, yet he still doesn't say anything. "All by yourself because little mud blood doesn't have any friends?" Goyle mocked me. I packed all my books back into my book bag. I wanted to run, but Draco grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear.

"Pretend I said something mean to you and start crying. I so sorry my friends are hurting you. I don't want to live like this."

I start tearing up, but I am happy about it. I run off and hear all of Draco's friends laughing. I bump into Hermione, Harry, and Ron. "Maddie! What are you doing here?" Hermione looks shocked at my presence. "I had a little accident to where I couldn't come back." I give her a smile, wiping my tears. "Why are you crying?" Ron asks me, examining my red puffy eyes. "Oh just some people making fun of me, no big deal." I straighten out my uniform and walk away, ignoring what else they had to say. I went through my day like it was any normal day. Until it was time. I met up with Draco after hours so we can talk about what is going to happen. "Draco. I can't. I don't want to kill someone." I start to cry. Draco gives me a big hug, and repeats "it's ok" in my ear. "I don't want to end up like my father." I release the hug and start to pace back and forth. Draco insisted on doing it him do it, but I knew deep down, he couldn't. When the clock hit eight, we knew it was time. We made our way to the Astronomy Tower.

"Maddie and Draco! What a surprise." Dumbledore gives us a big smile, but we stay quiet. "What's the matter you too? Can I help you?" Dumbledore looks at us both, and stare at me. Specifically my red puffy eyes. "I don't want your help. I don't need your help. I am forced to do this. I'm sorry." I start crying. I lift up my sleeve, revealing my dark mark. "You aren't a killer Maddie." He reassures me. I slowly step forward towards him. "I'm not, but my father is. I have to be just like him." I am wiping my tears as they are falling down my cheeks. "But you aren't your father." He just stands there. "I know." I put down my wand for a second. "Well. I know I will die happy." He pauses. "Thank you Maddie, for doing me this favor." He places his wand on the floor in-front of him, reaching out his arms like a cross, waiting for me to say the words.

"Avada Kedavra"

 He was gone. I killed him.

I stood there, watching him fall. I couldn't stand anymore, so I fell to my knees. I couldn't stop crying. "Draco. I'm a bad person." I went all weak. "No Maddie. This isn't your fault. I know you and I know you wouldn't have done this if you didn't want to." Draco rubs my back. I still couldn't believe I killed Dumbledore. I didn't want to think about it. 

Draco helped me up and we went. We went back home and presented the wand to my father.

"Good job Maddie." He gives me a smile, but he looks sad.

"Draco, my boy. I'm sorry." My father tells him, but he just keeps smiling. "Now that Maddie has the wand, there is only one way to give it to me." He pauses and points his wand at me. 

"Avada Kedavra"

A/N: Sorry this is a little short. I will try to make the next one a little longer. Who knows, this could be the end of Draco's and Maddie's relationship because of her stupid father who was drunk in power :)

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