(Ep 20) She's back

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I heard the monitor go off. She was gone for good. Nurses and doctors rushed in. They started to write her death certificate and then the monitor started beeping again. She was alive. I was happy. Everyone was in shock. "What happened?" Maddie opens her eyes. "I'll tell you later, you need rest." I tole her grabbing her hand. This means, she is the owner of the elders wand still, not her father. I started to get anxious again, what if he tried to kill her again? I couldn't bare to lose her again. 

Days went by and she got better and better. After two weeks of the incident, she was able to go back home. Screw Harry Potter, she lived the killing curse too. We got food first and then made our way to the manor. "Guess who's back!" She walks through the door, confidently. "Maddie, how?" her father run up to her seeing if she was a ghost. Before she could say anything to him, she slaps him across the face. Everyones jaws dropped. "HOW COULD YOU? AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE FOR YOU, YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!" she yells at him. I could tell he was getting afraid of her. "I'm sorry Maddie!" He backs away from her. "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" she steps towards him, "I GAVE YOU A CHANCE ON MY BIRTHDAY. I THOUGHT YOU CHANGED, BUT I GUESS I JUST WASN'T IMPORTANT TO YOU. I EVEN KILLED SOMEONE FOR YOU. YOU ARE UNGRATEFUL." Everyone at this point was afraid of her. 

"Expelliarmus." She used that spell on her father, making the Elders Wand fly out of his hands and into hers. 

"Don't do this. Please." Voldemort pleads to her.

"Payback." she stats, point the wand at him. 

They have a duel. She wins. Her father is gone. For good.

"Draco, I did it!" She jumps with joy at the sight of her father finally being gone. She doesn't have to worry about him trying to kill her.

Maddie's pov:

"I'm sorry mum." I began to tear up a bit. "Don't be. I didn't want to be with a man that kills my daughter." She gives me a hug that lasts a while. When we let go I ran upstairs to write Hermione a letter:

Dear Hermione,

Voldemort is dead. I killed him. You guys don't have to worry about him anymore. You guys are safe, and I am alive! It's a long story so next time I'll tell you all the details. A little side thing, Draco and I are still together, don't tell anyone please! I'll try to meet up with you somewhere and tell you everything that happened. 

Lots of love, Maddie R.

I sent the owl off hoping I would get a response back, but in the mean time Draco, his parents, my mum, and I went back to Hogwarts, to visit Dumbledore, and repair any damage that my father had caused. 

"Maddie! I got your owl." Hermione comes running up to me to hug me. "I'm so happy you are alive! How did you manage to survive?" I look over at Draco who is smiling at me. "Him." I turn bight pink and looked back at Hermione. We went for a little walk, and I told her everything that happened. I couldn't tell if she was mad, happy, or sad. She was giving me mixed emotions, but she was happy for me and Draco in the end.


2 years later:

Draco was my fiancé. We had been planning our wedding since the day he asked me to marry him. It was only two days away, then I could finally be with him for the rest of my life. My mother was going to walk me down the aisle, Narcissa is one of the bridesmaid, and Hermione is my Maid of Honor. I have no clue who Draco's grooms men were, and he didn't know the bridesmaids. I had to do some final preparations for the big day. I was extremely nervous for what laid ahead, but I was ready, ready to become Mrs. Malfoy. 

One more day left. 

Zero days left.

It's time.

All the bridesmaids had their groomsmen. The flower girls, Bexley Lestrange-Riddle and Coraline Malfoy walked down throwing flowers. Lucius Malfoy, the ring man, walked down to greet his son, Draco, at the alter. Finally, it was my turn. I wore a long black wedding dress, with a vail that touched the floor, I had my favorite flowers in my hand, roses, and my mothers arm linked with mine. She knew I was nervous, but she also knew this is what I wanted since we've started to date. 

Instrumental music started to play as I walked. I looked at Draco, who was starting to cry, then at my mom, then at Narcissa, then finally at Lucius. We walked pretty fast and I let my moms arm go. She walked next to Narcissa, I walked in-front of Draco. "Wow, you look amazing." Draco smiles at me. "You look handsome." I returned a smile and the reception began.

"Do you Draco Lucius Malfoy, take Maddie Jewel Riddle, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"And do you Maddie Jewel Riddle, take Draco Lucius Malfoy, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do"

"Rings please."

Lucius brought over the rings and Draco took mine first and placed it on my ring finger, and then I took Draco's and placed it on his ring finger. They matched. They were both snake heads that touched. 

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

He came inches away, and then our lips touched. It was official. I wasn't a Riddle anymore, I am now a Malfoy. We had a party afterwards and then we hung out with our family before we left for our honeymoon to a private beach Draco's parents own. 

1 year later:

It's been a year, and Draco and I decided we wanted to live on this beach. The house was open and plenty of natural light came in. It was perfect for kids to play on, and it was a private area, so there were no people around. Just me, Draco, and the new baby boy that is on his way. Hermione came to visit a lot, and she had a baby girl already that was about to turn three, and a baby boy that was just born a few months ago. I was excited for our future, with me now being the Minster of Magic, and Draco being the head professor at Hogwarts, things were headed in the right direction. I was excited to welcome Blaise Lucius Malfoy, Blaise after Draco's and I closest friend and Lucius after his middle name and his father's name. Time was ticking close, I was ready.


The baby was coming. It hurt, no wonder why my. mother was screaming when my sister was coming. It took five hours, forty-nine minutes, and twenty-three seconds for Blaise to be born. He weighed six pound three ounces and was forty-seven centimeters in length. He was perfect. He had Draco's hair, eyes, and lips. He had my cheeks, freckles, and hands. We were parents, I wouldn't give this up for the world. We were able to introduce him to the home two days later and unlike most newborns, he slept all night, that's another thing he got from me; he likes to sleep. I was finally happy, after all the regret my father put me through, I defiantly didn't want Blaise meeting him, never. 


Years went by, Blaise was now ten years old and in training for Hogwarts.  two more kids arrived, first being Tomas Grey Malfoy who is five, and Bella-Jewel Narcissa Malfoy who is two. I love my family, I would never trade this for the world. I am very grateful for the ups and downs in my life, that led to this.

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